
Book Publicist Scott Lorenz offers Authors Book Marketing Tips and Techniques on his Blog “The Book Publicist”

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How to Title Your Book

How to Title Your Book By Scott Lorenz

By Scott Lorenz
Westwind Communications

Some authors agonize over the titling of their book and some pull it straight out of thin air. I suggest a more methodical approach.

Book Title GeneratorI was recently interviewed by author and television talk show host Tara Kachaturoff on Michigan Entrepreneur TV. We discussed book marketing, book publicity and the care authors should take in the creation of their own book title.

As the author of Book Title Generator: A Proven System in Naming Your Book and as a book publicist I can attest to the importance of naming your book properly.

A bad title gets panned by the public and a forgettable title is, well, forgotten!

The most important aspect in the book publishing process, besides writing a good book, is to have a memorable title. So, I created a step-by-step method in selecting a title and put that in my book.

“This is an amazing book,” said Kachaturoff. “It is excellent. Since I work in this area with my clients, and have written a couple of books, I know how important a good title is. The book is phenomenal and covers so much,” she concluded.

I use a multi-prong book titling strategy with high-tech tools, researching bestsellers by genre and choosing ‘title keywords’ which get a book ranked on search engines and Amazon. I also recommend that authors consider the use of numbers, alliteration, and idioms in the quest for the perfect book title.

Watch the entire interview at https://bit.ly/ScottLorenz_Book_Publicist_EntrepreneurTV


Book Title Generator has received dozens of awards in numerous categories ranging from writing and publishing to business and marketing. The awards include: The Independent Author Network Award, Pinnacle Book Achievement Award, eLit Award, Literary Titan Book Award, Royal Dragonfly Award, American Book Fest, Book Readers Appreciation, Wishing Shelf, The New England Book Festival, Firebird Book Awards, New York Book Festival, San Francisco Book Festival, The Presidents Book Award, IPPY Book Award, Next Generation Award, AXIOM Business Book Award, Book Excellence Award, AMG International, PenCraft Book Achievement, Book of the Year Award, Best Book Award, B.R.A.G. Medallion, FAPA’s President’s Silver Award and the International Book Award.

If you take the time and utilize the tools laid out in the book and choose the right search engine-optimized title, your book will have a competitive advantage and have a shot at being at the top of the Amazon rankings. Choose the wrong title and your book languishes in obscurity.

Here’s what authors and top Amazon reviewers say about Book Title Generator:

“Bottom line: this is a compilation of clever ideas from a highly-experienced book publicist. Even the most experienced author will benefit from them.” —Richard B. Schwartz, Amazon Top 500 Reviewer, Top Contributor, 5-Stars

“I particularly enjoyed his analysis on the effectiveness of idioms, alliteration, and metaphors in developing effective book titles. I recommend the book to both new and experienced authors.” —Barbara Mojica, Amazon Top 1000 Reviewer, Top Contributor, 5-Stars

“This is an indispensable, first rate adjunct to the art of writing – and selling- your book. The goal: discoverability! Very highly recommended.” —Grady Harp, Amazon Top 50 Hall of Fame Reviewer, 5-Stars

“Book Publicist Scott Lorenz gives you the ABCs and XYZs of picking the perfect title for that book you have put your heart into. It’s required reading for aspiring or experienced writers.” —John Kelly, Detroit Free Press, 5 Stars

“I am an author, and I have been writing for over 10 years. This book is exactly what I have been looking for all this time. Scott Lorenz understands the creative side while delving into the marketing side of naming a book. It explains how to set yourself up for success.” —Iris, Amazon reviewer, 5 Stars

The book is available on Amazon in ebook for Kindle, paperback and as an audiobook. Find out more at: www.BookTitleGenerator.net

Watch the book trailer here: https://bit.ly/BookTitleGeneratorTrailer

Listen to a sample of the audiobook here: http://bit.ly/AudioSampleBookTitleGen

The Bottom Line: Take your time and use my proven system in naming your book!

About Book Publicist Scott Lorenz

Book publicist Scott Lorenz is President of Westwind Communications, a public relations and marketing firm that has a special knack for working with authors to help them get all the publicity they deserve and more. Lorenz works with bestselling authors and self-published authors promoting all types of books, whether it’s their first book or their 15th book. He’s handled publicity for books by CEOs, CIA Officers, Navy SEALS, Homemakers, Fitness Gurus, Doctors, Lawyers and Adventurers. His clients have been featured by Good Morning America, FOX & Friends, CNN, ABC News, New York Times, Nightline, TIME, PBS, LA Times, USA Today, Washington Post, Woman’s World, & Howard Stern to name a few.

Learn more about Westwind Communications’ book marketing approach at https://www.WestwindBookMarketing.com or contact Lorenz at [email protected] or 734-667-2090 or fill out the form below. Follow Lorenz on Twitter @aBookPublicist. Want help titling a book? Check out Scott Lorenz’s new award winning, bestselling book: Book Title Generator- A Proven System in Naming Your Book www.BookTitleGenerator.net.

Would you like help promoting your book?

If so, tell us a little about your book. What is the title? Do you have a publisher? What is the publish date? How many pages is your book? What is the cost? Do you have web site? What is your specific goal I.E., to make money, raise awareness, get the attention of an agent or publisher, sell the story to a movie or TV studio or something else?

Submit the form below with this information and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you!

Authors: 10 Must-Have Marketing Tips to Generate Buzz Around Your Book

Authors: 10 Must-Have Marketing Tips to Generate Buzz Around Your Book

“Not All Marketing People are Writers, But All Writers Must Learn to be Marketers.” – Joanne Kraft

By Scott Lorenz
Westwind Communications

In the world of book sales and publishing, marketing is an important tool to get your book the attention it deserves. Having a solid and well written book is essential, but promotion and publicity will be necessary to get your book noticed in today’s competitive book market. Just as time is invested in the writing process, you’ll also need to invest some time and effort to promote your work.

Here are 10 tips, from my years of book publicist experience, to help you market your book:

1. Make your title work for you. It is no longer enough to pick a title that you like or that fits your book. The best titles not only sound good but are optimized for the internet age. Utilize my book, Book Title Generator, for a proven system to choose your best title.

2. Refine your elevator pitch and logline. Pitches and loglines help sell your work and attract the interest of publishers, editors, or producers. They encapsulate the story arc and themes in one to two well-crafted sentences. Invest time writing and refining your pitches. Practice delivering them with confidence and fluidity.

3. Establish your online presence. Make sure your audience can find you online even before your book is finished. Make a website and post blogs, articles you’ve written, and updates about your book. Utilize LinkedIn, Goodreads, Facebook, and other social media platforms to expand your audience and keep your work on people’s minds.

4. Take advantage of writer’s conferences to network and get feedback. Attending writers’ conferences gives you a chance to pitch your book, learn about publishing options and meet book editors, agents and book marketing specialists. If your book is not yet finished, these conferences are a valuable chance to get advice that will help in the writing process.

5. Make your book available for pre-order. Utilize the period prior to the launch date to generate buzz around your book. Promotion on social media can build excitement, attract attention, and get readers to pre-order your upcoming release. Some authors hold contests and promotions or offer exclusive bonus content for pre-orders. Pre-order stats influence many things, from how Amazon and other retailers stock inventory to first week sales statistics.

6. Create an online launch team: Expand your reach by creating a launch team of folks who will back your book and promote it on social media. Send copies to bloggers or podcast hosts who might be interested in its content and willing to promote it. Family, friends, and coworkers may be willing to share content and spread the news about your book. The more the merrier when it comes to launch teams!

7. Enter your book in a book contest. It takes time, effort, and entry fee money to enter book award contests, but awards are invaluable for marketing. Awards create interest in your book, provide added credibility, and increase sales potential. A book award can give you an edge in reaching out to media, booksellers, and agents and sometimes that’s all the difference needed to propel your book into bestseller territory.

8. Activate your local media: In our internet driven world, it’s sometimes easy to forget about marketing opportunities closer to home. Don’t forget to get your local media onboard for your marketing efforts. Contact local newspapers, television stations, and radio stations to see if they’d be interested in interviewing a hometown author.

9. Get to know your local bookstore owners and managers. Local bookstores are the most likely place for readers in your area to encounter your work. The better you know the folks who own or operate those bookstores, the easier it is to ask them about hosting book release parties, readings, signings, author interviews, or book clubs.

10. HIRE A BOOK PUBLICIST. Marketing is a complicated and time-consuming process, and a book publicist will utilize their experience and network of contacts to bring attention to your book. Author Adam S. McHugh says, “The work of promoting the book requires just as much work as writing the book, if not more so.” Putting this complex task into the hands of a professional gives you more time to do what you do best – WRITE!

At Westwind Communications, we have decades of marketing experience, partnering with authors of many different genres to get all the book publicity they deserve and more.TM

The Bottom Line: Use these book marketing tips to promote your work but remember that a professional book publicist will go the distance in coordinating and implementing your comprehensive marketing strategy.

About Book Publicist Scott Lorenz

Book publicist Scott Lorenz is President of Westwind Communications, a public relations and marketing firm that has a special knack for working with authors to help them get all the publicity they deserve and more. Lorenz works with bestselling authors and self-published authors promoting all types of books, whether it’s their first book or their 15th book. He’s handled publicity for books by CEOs, CIA Officers, Navy SEALS, Homemakers, Fitness Gurus, Doctors, Lawyers and Adventurers. His clients have been featured by Good Morning America, FOX & Friends, CNN, ABC News, New York Times, Nightline, TIME, PBS, LA Times, USA Today, Washington Post, Woman’s World, & Howard Stern to name a few.

Learn more about Westwind Communications’ book marketing approach at https://www.WestwindBookMarketing.com or contact Lorenz at [email protected] or 734-667-2090 or fill out the form below. Follow Lorenz on Twitter @aBookPublicist. Want help titling a book? Check out Scott Lorenz’s new award winning, bestselling book: Book Title Generator- A Proven System in Naming Your Book www.BookTitleGenerator.net.

Would you like help promoting your book?

If so, tell us a little about your book. What is the title? Do you have a publisher? What is the publish date? How many pages is your book? What is the cost? Do you have web site? What is your specific goal I.E., to make money, raise awareness, get the attention of an agent or publisher, sell the story to a movie or TV studio or something else?

Submit the form below with this information and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you!

Book Marketing

Book Marketing Book Publicist Scott Lorenz has written dozens of articles to help inform others about Book Marketing and Book Promotion. Here are a few of those articles. How Authors Use Instagram to Sell Books Instagram has over 1 billion users. So, it’s no surprise...

50 Book Cover Designers to Create Your Best-Selling Cover

Book Cover Designers to Create Your Best-Selling Cover

By Scott Lorenz
Westwind Communications

“A Good Book Cover Can Help Sell a Book – A Bad Cover Can Kill a Book.”  – Scott Lorenz, Book Publicist

“Your book cover is not a decoration. It’s a smart business investment.” – George Foster, Foster Covers

Being a book publicist and book marketing guy, I often weigh in on book cover designs. Sometimes it’s in the nick of time sometimes it’s too late to make a change. Here’s the situation, authors, please – do not underestimate the importance of a book cover’s design.

Not only do potential book buyers judge a book by its cover but so do members of the media. Many reporters receive dozens of books every day!

Do you really think they read the book flap and your pitch? Ha!

Here are some important items to consider when making decisions on book cover design:

Use a subhead to create more description. If you have a 10-word title, you have not properly named the book in the first place.

Check with Google on the words that are most searched on your topic. To do this, type in the word that best describes your book in the search box and then see what the next most important or popular words are in that list. That ranking is very relevant marketing- wise so try to use those words in your title or subtitle. Consider using the genre in the subtitle too because that’s what people are searching on.

Visit bookstores look at the covers of all types of books. What catches your eye? Look at the book face and look at the spines. Which ones are readable and why?

Will it play on Amazon? Go to Amazon.com, BN.com, Good Reads, Smashwords and search for competitive books in your space. Notice the book covers that catch your eye and the ones that do not. If your cover does not show up well in an Amazon thumbnail, then you are going to lose sales.

Contrast. Don’t let your graphic designer get started without keeping contrast in mind. The reason black ink works so well on white paper is because it produces the best contrast possible. Yellow ink on green paper in a small font simply does not work. How does your book look in black and white? Not every publication will be printing it in color.

Font size. Many designers are young with great eyesight. But your buyer may not be able to read the tiny font some designers insist upon using. Be practical.

The spine. Can you read it from five feet away? If not, neither can browsers in a bookstore.

Blurbs. Keep them relevant and short. Consider including a mention on the cover of a foreword written by a famous person or author. “Foreword by Best Selling Author Judith Grisel” or “Foreword by Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos” or “Foreword by James Patterson.”

Back inside flaps. Do not overlook creating content on the back inside flaps because consumers pick up a book after looking at the spine, front cover and back and then open the book to find the price or more information.

Use a laser printer. Don’t just review your cover on a computer screen which will make it look considerably better. Print it out actual size and make a determination using that printed version.

Pictures are worth 1000 words. Use photos and illustrations to describe what would take too long to explain. When choosing a book design ask yourself how the cover will look on your website home page. Branding is important so you’ll want to use the same design elements on your website that you do on your book cover.

Ask for feedback. Show your cover designs to as many people in your target group of potential readers. Get their reactions and opinions. It costs you nothing and you’ll likely find out something you did not realize before.

Here are 50 book cover designers and services to consider for your next cover:

1. 99 Designs – https://99designs.com/
99designs.com uses graphic designers from around the world who compete for your business by actually designing the book cover on speculation, ie no charge. I commissioned many covers for authors using 99designs after the author was not happy with the creations from his own designer. I mentioned several design elements such as the title, subtitle, what the book was about etc.

Figuring more is better, we got 65 different cover designs in 5 days! The most difficult part was narrowing down the selection to 8 then having friends, family, co-workers vote on their favorites from all corners of the world all online.

They also added their comments, insight and logic behind liking or disliking a cover design right under the image of that cover. They voted over several days and the comments were able to be read by our team, also scattered all over North America. The cost was about $700.  Currently 99designs book covers range in price from $299 to their top-of-the-line platinum package at $1,199.  This was an excellent process that delivered a NY Times bestseller quality cover that I highly recommend.

2. Foster Covers – https://fostercovers.com/
George Foster of Foster Covers is a book cover designer who has earned more than 300 awards and created covers for 134 bestsellers. His work has appeared on over 1,000 books.

3. Alexander von Ness – https://www.nessgraphica.com/
Alexander von Ness is a book cover designer with over twenty years of professional experience in graphic design, including over a decade as art director in a branding agency. In the last decade his main area of focus has been book cover design. His website Nessgraphica is among the top trusted sites for book cover design services overall.

4. Fiverr – https://www.fiverr.com/
Fiverr gives you many options for just $5. These are fast and obviously cheap, but I’ve seen some pretty nice work. Order from 2 or 3 designers at the same time. Hey, it’s only $5 bucks!

5. Draw Big Design – http://drawbigdesign.com/
Draw Big Design produces smart visuals that stand out from the ordinary.

6. Killer Covers – https://killercovers.com/
Killer Covers offers various packages for your book cover needs including web pages, Facebook pages etc. They are based in Australia, and I’ve used them and recommended them several times.

7. Book Cover Express – https://bookcoverexpress.com/
Cathi Stevenson of Book Cover Express has 30 years of publishing experience and more than 1500 book covers to her credit. Book Cover Express has a competitive flat rate so you can work with your ideal budget.

8. Author Support – https://www.authorsupport.com/
The designers at Author Support are a great resource.

9. Book Creatives – http://www.bookcreatives.com/
Book Creatives offers book cover design and eBook design for authors.

10. Karrie Ross Graphics – https://www.bookcoverdesigner.com/
Karrie Ross of Karrie Ross Graphics specializes in book cover design for the self-publishing industry.

11. Damonza – https://damonza.com/
Damonza has over 30 years combined experience in the design and advertising industry.

12. Robin Ludwig Design – https://www.gobookcoverdesign.com/
Robin Ludwig Design specializes in providing superior book cover design services utilizing professional equipment and software.

13. Andy Carpenter Design, https://acdbookcoverdesign.com/
Andy Carpenter Design is a boutique design firm for self-publishers and small presses.

14. Self-Publishing Lab – https://selfpublishinglab.com/
Self-Publishing Lab has been voted the best website for authors, so be sure to check it out.

15. Lulu – https://www.lulu.com/
Along with publishing services Lulu provides design quality at a competitive price.

16. David Airey – https://www.davidairey.com/designing-book-covers
David Airey is a creative book cover designer.

17. Book Cover Genius – https://jjfast.com/bonuses/bcg-tna53a
Book Cover Genius offers a great sales pitch about why you should download their software to design your own book cover. Worth a look.

18. CreateSpace – https://www.createspace.com/
CreateSpace allows you to work with their professional design team to custom-create an affordable, striking cover that broadcasts your book’s key messages with distinct colors, fonts, and one central image.

19. BookBaby – https://www.bookbaby.com/ebook-cover-design/
BookBaby offers a straightforward approach to finding a budget and designing your book cover.

20. Guru – https://www.guru.com/
Guru is a great website to utilize to find freelance book cover designers from around the world. Very cool.

21. 1106 Design – https://1106design.com/
1106 Design offers editing, proofreading, cover design, Interior page layout, eBook formatting, Printing and more.

22. Infinity Publishing – https://infinitypublishing.com/
With Infinity Publishing you have complete control over the cover design and layout of your book.

23. Abacus Graphics – https://abacusgraphics.com/
Abacaus Graphics is an intimate award-winning design studio creating exceptional image building graphic designs for print and the web since 1979.

24. Albertine Book Design – http://www.dotdesign.net/
Albertine Book Design offers complete design and production services for children’s books, tabletop books, cookbooks, textbooks, fiction and non-fiction hard cover and paperbacks.

25. Book Covers for All – http://bookcoversforall.com/
Book Covers for All features one designer boasting over 18 years of experience with 1000+ books to his credit.

26. Elaine Gignilliat – https://romancebookcoverart.com/
Elaine Gignilliat is one of the foremost romance book cover artists. She has painted covers for over 350 romance books representing more than 150 authors.

27. Extended Imagery – https://extendedimagery.com/
Carl Graves is a professional book cover designer who has a fire sale on book covers with more than 2,000 book covers on hand. These are really amazing must see covers.

28. Illumination Graphics – https://illuminationgraphics.com/
Illumination Graphics provides affordable and dynamic design for books, both book cover designs and book interior layouts.

29. BookWise Design – https://bookwisedesign.com/
BookWise Design has designed over 1200 book covers and strives to provide the most experienced and helpful book production services.

30. ExpertSubjects – https://www.expertsubjects.com/
Expert Subjects has several cover artists, and you can choose to create a fully customized book cover depending on your budget constraints. They also provide an array of services including typesetting, editing, critique and undertake publishing & distribution too.

31. Canva – https://www.canva.com/create/book-covers/
Canva’s book cover maker makes book covers amazingly simple to design – even for non-designers. I’ve used them for memes too.

32. The Cover Collection – https://www.thecovercollection.com/
Here’s a way to get a high-quality book cover for a great price using premade book cover designs. Authors receive multiple drafts to choose from and a choice of font options. I’ve checked out their covers and they are top notch.

33. TS95 Studios – https://www.ts95studios.com/
Hampton Lamoureux of TS95 Studios is a Daily Deviation award-winning artist on DeviantArt.com. He designs e-book and full jacket covers, crafting elaborate realistic scenes from stock photos for fantasy, horror, mystery, and sci-fi novels.

34. JD Smith Design – https://www.jdsmith-design.co.uk/
JD Smith is an award-winning book cover designer who has worked in the graphic design industry since she was 17. She designs book publishers for traditional publishers and independent authors.

35. Jessica Bell Design – https://www.jessicabelldesign.com/
Jessica Bell is dedicated to creating one-of-a-kind book cover designs that fit any author’s budget. She began designing covers as favors for her author friends and has turned her hobby into a successful business.

36. Mars Dorian – https://www.marsdorian.com/covers/
Mars Dorian is a digital illustrator and storyteller who specializes in creating e-book covers that stand out for affordable prices.

37. Alexandra Brandt – https://www.alexandrajbrandt.com/
Alexandra Brandt’s print and e-book covers focus on sci-fi and fantasy works.

38. Kingwood Creations – https://www.kingwoodcreations.com/
Find stunning premade book covers at Kingwood Creations. You can select your favorite design from over 100 premade covers.

39. MiblArt – https://miblart.com/
MiblArt is a design company that specializes in book covers. If you choose them for your book cover design, you can expect the first concept to be delivered in 3 days and an unlimited number of revisions.

40. Jeff Brown Graphics – https://www.jeffbrowngraphics.com/
Beautiful sci-fi and fantasy book cover designs can be found at Jeff Brown Graphics. Jeff has collaborated with over 90 authors on more than 250 covers.

41. Historical Fiction Book Covers – http://historicaleditorial.blogspot.com/
For a historical fiction book cover design, consider Historical Fiction Book Covers by Jenny Quinlan.

42. Dissect Design – https://www.dissectdesigns.com/
Dissect Design was created for indie book authors who are in search stunning book covers that don’t break the bank.

43. Laura Duffy Design – https://www.lauraduffydesign.com/
Laura Duffy of Laura Duffy Design is a former art director who takes great pride in creating professional book designs.

44. More Visual – https://thebookcoverdesigners.com/
Dave Kessler of More Visual is a graduate of Parsons School of Design and specializes in unique and professional book design services.

45. David Moratto – https://davidmoratto.com/
With more than 225 covers to date David Moratto brings his unique graphic design expertise to each cover project. The book’s interior design and cover is designed to the demographic profile of the reader.

46. Bianca Bordianu Design – https://moonpress.co/
Bianca Bordianu is a professional cover designer who works with bestselling authors, publishing houses and indie authors in all genres. She delivers high quality designs for competitive prices.

47. Crowdspring – https://www.crowdspring.com/
Crowdspring is an innovative design resource. You pay one price (starting at $299) and you get dozens of custom designs that were made specifically for you. Crowdspring manually reviews every designer on their platform and constantly updates their profile score based on their skill. This encourages quality submissions. They also allow you to get feedback from your audience and the comments can be left as tags on the cover design itself. Crowdspring was founded by an intellectual property attorney so when they say you are going to get a custom design, they mean it. Crowdspring offers customer support (phone, chat, and email) to both clients and their creatives. This is helpful in ensuring a streamlined process. Crowdspring also offers a 100% money-back guarantee (they will refund ALL fees). Authors should take a serious look at Crowdspring.

48. Lance Buckley http://www.lancebuckley.com
Lance Buckley is a book designer with over 10 years of experience. Says Lance, “I’ve worked for 8 years as a Design Specialist at CreateSpace before Amazon consolidated things and axed CreateSpace altogether. For the last 4 years I’ve been designing book covers and interiors for authors. You can view some of my work on my website. I try to keep my pricing as low as possible while still providing a very professional design.”

49. Julia Rohwedder – https://www.lunaryxdesign.com/
Julia Rohwedder is a freelance photo illustrator & designer living in the southwest of Germany. She has been creating digital photo illustration since around 2006. She loves book cover art commissions for Fantasy genres, like Dark Fantasy, Urban Fantasy, Paranormal Fantasy.

50. eBook Launch – https://ebooklaunch.com/
Since 2011, eBook launch has designed hundreds of creative book covers for independent authors and publishers in nearly every genre. Check out their book cover portfolio here. https://ebooklaunch.com/custom-book-cover-portfolio/ They also handle book editing, formatting as well.

You can and should spend a few hours going through all of these websites. You’ll be glad you did. I know I was enlightened myself in creating this list of book cover designers.

The Bottom Line: Get involved early in the entire book publishing design process and get at least several creative concepts for the front cover, back cover, and spine. Don’t let it be the ‘last thing’ you do.

About Book Publicist Scott Lorenz

Book publicist Scott Lorenz is President of Westwind Communications, a public relations and marketing firm that has a special knack for working with authors to help them get all the publicity they deserve and more. Lorenz works with bestselling authors and self-published authors promoting all types of books, whether it’s their first book or their 15th book. He’s handled publicity for books by CEOs, CIA Officers, Navy SEALS, Homemakers, Fitness Gurus, Doctors, Lawyers and Adventurers. His clients have been featured by Good Morning America, FOX & Friends, CNN, ABC News, New York Times, Nightline, TIME, PBS, LA Times, USA Today, Washington Post, Woman’s World, & Howard Stern to name a few.

Learn more about Westwind Communications’ book marketing approach at https://www.WestwindBookMarketing.com or contact Lorenz at [email protected] or 734-667-2090 or fill out the form below. Follow Lorenz on Twitter @aBookPublicist. Want help titling a book? Check out Scott Lorenz’s new award winning, bestselling book: Book Title Generator- A Proven System in Naming Your Book www.BookTitleGenerator.net.

Would you like help promoting your book?

If so, tell us a little about your book. What is the title? Do you have a publisher? What is the publish date? How many pages is your book? What is the cost? Do you have web site? What is your specific goal I.E., to make money, raise awareness, get the attention of an agent or publisher, sell the story to a movie or TV studio or something else?

Submit the form below with this information and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you!

Authors: Want Publishing Help? Get a Book Shepherd!

Authors: Want Publishing Help? Get a Book Shepherd!

You can keep ‘Paying Tuition’ in the form of mistakes, or you can hire a Book Shepherd who’ll save you, time money and even perhaps your sanity!

By Scott Lorenz
Westwind Communications

At some point in the writing and publishing process most authors find themselves exasperated with all of the things that need to be done. This is one reason I recommend authors look into hiring a book shepherd. A book shepherd (aka book coach) is someone whose expertise in books and publishing will help you through the entire book-crafting and selling process. Services include help with ghostwriting, editing, cover design, printing, distribution, marketing, seeking an agent, even dealing with Amazon! A book shepherd will assist you with your book from start to finish.

Sadly, I see authors make mistakes that a good book shepherd would have caught and changed. With all there is to know about the book publishing process, the constant flow of changes makes it extremely difficult to keep up with it all.  The guidance of someone experienced would be your greatest insurance policy to ensure your book is a success. It’s like hiring a guide to give you a tour of a foreign land. Would you rather read a guidebook and do it yourself or hire a personal guide with special knowledge to show you?

Debra Englander

Debra Englander

Consider yourself fortunate if you can afford a book shepherd because it is well worth the money spent.

Debra Englander

“Nothing detracts from good writing like bad editing,” says Debra Englander an experienced non-fiction editor and writer. “Submit your best work. Have it copy edited and proofread by a professional. Don’t ruin a potential relationship with an agent or publisher because of mistakes.” Debra Englander has extensive editorial experience including reporting for Money, managing the Fortune Book Club and serving as editorial director at John Wiley for nearly 17 years.

She currently works with authors on creating winning book proposals, editing manuscripts and content creation for online and print projects. I’ve known Debby for many years and she’s at the top of my list. Email her at: [email protected] and find out more at: https://www.linkedin.com/in/DebraEnglander.

Marla Markman

Marla Markman

Marla Markman

Marla Markman is an award-winning editor with over 30 years of experience creating and managing books. Marla is the owner of Markman Editorial Services, which provides publishing project management, guiding authors every step of the way with expert advice on everything from ghostwriting and outline development to editing, book design, printing, e-book conversion and audiobook production, to website development, listing the final product on Amazon, and more. Many of her client’s books have been Amazon bestsellers, adapted as university textbooks, featured in the Wall Street Journal and Publisher’s Weekly, and won prestigious indie publishing awards, like the Ben Franklin Awards.

“Self-publishing can be an overwhelming and confusing experience for the uninitiated,” says Marla. “I enjoy guiding authors through the self-publishing process.”  Marla developed and honed her expertise as managing editor of Entrepreneur magazine, one of the nation’s leading small-business publications. She launched its book division, where she acquired, developed, and edited numerous top-selling book series, including Start Your Own Business, which continues to be Entrepreneur’s No. 1 bestseller. Reach her at: https://www.marlamarkman.com/.

Mike Ball

Mike Ball, an Erma Bombeck Award-winning author and syndicated columnist offers unique assistance to new authors from his position on the front lines of the publishing wars. “Writing, editing and publishing a book can be complicated, time-consuming and downright confusing,” says Ball. “I just helped out an author who got completely flummoxed by the forms Amazon threw at him. I understand it can be a daunting task for anyone. That’s why I am happy to assist authors in ghostwriting, editing and publishing.” Find Mike at https://www.mikeballonline.com/.

Beth Barany

“One of the biggest challenges in writing, publishing and marketing a book is to know what to do, when to do it and how to do each step,” says Beth Barany, a book shepherd, creative business consultant for authors and publishers, and an award-winning novelist. Beth says that authors come to her because they need customized support for wherever they may be in the process. They may need brainstorming sessions to overcome writer’s block when starting a novel, help figuring out how to publish their nonfiction book, general support, or to gain ease while social media-marketing their book. A big advocate for self-publishing, Beth works with her authors to help them write, publish and market their book through the channels that make the most sense for their overall goals, timing and budget. Traditional publishing is included, of course.  To learn more about Beth Barany and to sign up for a complimentary 30-minute session, go to https://bethbarany.com/.

Gabriella Gafni, J.D.

Book Shepherd Gabriella Gafni, J.D. has composed countless texts for individuals from every walk of life and from every part of the globe. “With each project I undertake I ensure the narrative flows with meaning, vitality and purpose. Authors often remark that I have the ability to ‘get into their minds’ and manifest their messages in their respective voices,” says Gafni. “From first draft through publication, authors enjoy a collaborative experience destined to result in a pristine product, reflective of the author’s intent and purpose.”  For more information about Gabriella Gafni, visit https://www.gmghostwriting.com/.

Thomas Miller

Thomas Miller, Ghostwriter, Podcaster and Book Shepherd

Thomas Miller, Ghostwriter, Podcaster and Book Shepherd

Thomas Miller not only helps authors through all of the shepherding steps we’re discussing here, but he’s also an expert audiobook narrator and producer. “Your book should generate multiple revenue streams beside just hardback, paperback and Kindle/Nook sales,” says Miller. “The audiobook market is growing faster than the conventional book market. If you publish, you should also produce an audiobook.”

Miller believes that some authors could create a seminar or workshop so that their book leads to online courses and coaching services. Thomas Miller can help advise authors on all of these revenue streams and can either narrate or guide them on an audiobook.

He also offers ghostwriting services at an affordable price. I’ve known and worked directly with him several years now and he’s top-shelf in my book. Contact Thomas Miller.

Maria Connor

Marie White Publisher Book Shepherd

Marie White, Author, Book Shepherd and Publisher

For some authors an Author Assistant may be the way to go.

Maria Connor is the author of Do Less, Write More: The Author’s Guide to Finding, Hiring and Keeping an Excellent Author Assistant.

She is the founder/owner of My Author Concierge, which provides administrative, editorial, marketing and technical support services for authors.

She has worked with more than 50 authors across multiple genres.

Marie White

“I meet a lot of authors who have books they are not happy with,” says Marie White owner of Zamiz Press. “From covers they don’t like to missing versions of the book, such as audio or eBook, to no ‘look inside’ feature online. They are frustrated and alone in the process.”

If need be, White helps authors get their book back from a publisher and then republishes the book as they always envisioned it. “Most authors still retain the rights to their book, even after it’s published. I help them understand the publishing process and feel confident.” Reach Maria at: www.ZamizPress.com.

Michael Ray

Known as “Book Whisperer” Michael Ray King can help authors get to the finish line. With 10 published books, five Royal Palm Literary Awards for writing, over 20 manuscripts written and helping over 100 new authors get their manuscripts written, Michael can help you with most writing and publishing needs.  https://michaelrayking.com.

Rik Feeney

Rik Feeny Florida Writers Assn Book Coach Magnetic Speak

Rik Feeney – Book Coach

Rik Feeney is a Book Coach and Publishing Consultant. He speaks at writer’s conferences and seminars and is the leader of the Orlando Florida Writer’s Association group.

Rik’s passion is helping authors effectively and successfully publish their books.

Contact Rik for a free consultation. http://www.rikfeeney.com/

The Bottom Line: Whether you call it a book shepherd or book coach, these book publishing experts will help save you time, money and perhaps even your sanity!

Be sure to check out a list of book shepherds below which was originally created by the late Dan Poynter and now recently updated and expanded upon by Westwind Book Marketing.

Zip Code/Country, Name, Email, Website

06001 Brian Jud [email protected]; http://www.bookmarketingworks.com/

68137 Lisa Pelto [email protected]; https://www.conciergemarketing.com/

80015 Judith Briles, PhD [email protected]; https://thebookshepherd.com/

89509 Jacqueline Simonds

90212 Joseph Coleman [email protected]; https://www.bookshep.com/

92111 Lindee Rochelle [email protected] https://www.penchantforpenning.com/

92653 Sharon Goldinger [email protected]; https://peoplespeakservices.com/

94304 John Eggen [email protected]; https://missionmarketingmentors.com/

94801 Peter Beren [email protected]; https://peterberen.com/

95437 Cynthia Frank [email protected]; https://www.cypresshouse.com/

95476 Simon Warwick-Smith [email protected]; https://www.linkedin.com/in/simon-warwick-smith-7a61633/

22206 Gabriella Gafni — [email protected]; https://www.gmghostwriting.com/

81611 Thomas Miller [email protected]; https://www.linkedin.com/in/thomas-miller-345023132/

About Book Publicist Scott Lorenz

Book publicist Scott Lorenz is President of Westwind Communications, a public relations and marketing firm that has a special knack for working with authors to help them get all the publicity they deserve and more. Lorenz works with bestselling authors and self-published authors promoting all types of books, whether it’s their first book or their 15th book. He’s handled publicity for books by CEOs, CIA Officers, Navy SEALS, Homemakers, Fitness Gurus, Doctors, Lawyers and Adventurers. His clients have been featured by Good Morning America, FOX & Friends, CNN, ABC News, New York Times, Nightline, TIME, PBS, LA Times, USA Today, Washington Post, Woman’s World, & Howard Stern to name a few.

Learn more about Westwind Communications’ book marketing approach at https://www.WestwindBookMarketing.com or contact Lorenz at [email protected] or 734-667-2090 or fill out the form below. Follow Lorenz on Twitter @aBookPublicist. Want help titling a book? Check out Scott Lorenz’s new award winning, bestselling book: Book Title Generator- A Proven System in Naming Your Book www.BookTitleGenerator.net.

Would you like help promoting your book?

If so, tell us a little about your book. What is the title? Do you have a publisher? What is the publish date? How many pages is your book? What is the cost? Do you have web site? What is your specific goal I.E., to make money, raise awareness, get the attention of an agent or publisher, sell the story to a movie or TV studio or something else?

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