My Favorite Book Marketing Books
As a book publicist and book marketing guy it’s imperative for me to keep up with all of the great books and magazine articles being published on the topic of book marketing. I’ve read dozens and dozens of books on book marketing and usually have found a morsel or two of useful information in each one. By the way, I’ve personally met or have spoken to many of these authors and can attest to the veracity of the material they present and their credentials to discuss these topics.
A Top Book Publicist’s Favorite Book Marketing Books
Media Secrets: A Media Training Crash Course: Get More Publicity, Look & Feel Your Best AND Convert Interviews Into Web Traffi c & Sales. Strategies for TV, Print, Radio & Internet Media by Mr. Jess Todtfeld
If You Really Want a Media Training Crash Course This Book is THE One
‘Media Secrets’ is the new Bible for media training. It contains every single thing one needs before doing a media interview from ‘what to say’ to ‘what to wear’ this book has it all. An important section is the discussion about Energy and bringing passion to an interview. Nobody wants to listen to a boring person talk about anything and if YOU are that boring person on radio or TV the consumer will simply change the station. Jess talks about how to put passion into your interview.
Media training is important because what good is landing an interview if you cannot get the listener/viewer to take action? If you take your interviews seriously then read this book. Besides learning tips and techniques you’ll gain confidence which is an important element of any interview. This book is for anyone who is planning on getting media coverage including; Authors, C-Suite Execs, Politicians, and Sports Figures. As a publicist buy this book and give it to my clients to read. Nothing could be more useful.
Write and Grow Rich: Secrets of Successful Authors and Publishers (Exclusive Tips from Publishing Experts) by Alinka Rutkowska
What is your time worth? Authors can save time and money by making the right decisions about publishing and marketing by reading this book. One particularly interesting line was this:
“The biggest problem many authors and entrepreneurs have is that they have a one-legged-stool strategy for their growth — one income source; one traffic stream to grow their fan base. By all means, start with just one, but after you’ve mastered it, incorporate others that can bring balance if the winds change. Many streams create a river. It’s the same with streams of income and traffic. Have more than one book. Have more than one series. Give away more than one free thing and in more than one place. But focus on the things and the places that produce the most results fastest. Vilfredo Pareto stated that 20 percent of your actions will result in 80 percent of the desired outcome. So focus on the 20 percent that helps you grow the fastest and master it.”
Bingo. Here’s another:
If I could give any piece of advice, it would be to jump into a multi-author project as quickly as possible because this is how you make those connections; especially, if you are the one creating the project. Then everyone who participates will likely work with you in the future as well.
All authors should read this book NOW. I highly recommend it.
Advanced Twitter Strategies for Authors:
Twitter techniques to help you sell your book – in under 15 minutes a day! by Ian H Sutherland
Advanced Twitter Strategies for Authors reveals how to effectively exploit Twitter to market your books and systematically drive thousands of potential purchasers to your works on Amazon and other retailers.
This is the best book about Twitter for authors in the marketplace.
It offers a serious strategy and a step by step process to promote a book.
It also discusses the pros and cons of various software authors can utilize.
If you want to use Twitter to promote your book then this is THE book to buy.
The Key Book Publishing Paths: 2023–2024 by Jane Friedman
While not a book this article is an excellent resource for authors contemplating various publishing paths.
Since 2013, Jane has been regularly updating this informational chart about the key book publishing paths.
Jane’s chart divides the field into traditional (advance-based) publishing, small presses, assisted publishing, indie or self-publishing, and social publishing.
Feel free to download, print, and share this chart however you like; no permission is required. It’s formatted to print perfectly on 11″ x 17″ or tabloid-size paper.
How NOT To Write A Book: 12 Things You Should Never Do If You Want to Become an Author & Make a Living With Your Writing (From Someone Who Has Written 12 Books in 12 Months) by Michelle Kulp
Not only do we suffer from writer’s block, but we also battle with intense and persistent resistance that is so powerful we will often do anything and everything… except sit down and write.
The goal of this book is to teach aspiring writers what the author has learned on her journey of writing 12 books in 12 consecutive months and creating $3,000 a month in passive income.
By learning what NOT to do, you will have greater success publishing your books and also making a living with your writing.

Let’s Get Visible: How To Get Noticed And Sell More Books by David Gaughran
This a terrific book by a top author and expert.
David Gaughran has taken the time to analyze Amazon every which way possible and is sharing his insight and knowledge with all authors.
“Let’s Get Visible” is a Must read for all authors.”

This is one of the most up to date books about self-publishing.
It includes recent developments which affect authors.
I particularly liked the section about naming a book.
As a book publicist I see some horribly named books from time to time.
Marcus offers some solid advice in this department.
It’s written in a serious but entertaining style with a little humor tossed in. I highly recommend it.
How to Publish on Amazon By Bookbaby
“How to Publish on Amazon” is required reading for all authors—amateur and adept alike—who want to position their work for more success on Amazon.
Ever wonder how to get your book on Amazon?
Authors know Amazon is the best place to sell their work, but plenty of questions surround the retail behemoth.
Luckily, we’ve made the steps simple for you in this free guide.
My Publishing Imprint: How to Create a Self-Publishing Book Imprint & ISBN Essentials (Countdown to Book Launch) by David Wogahn.
A must read for author PRIOR to publishing.
The author is a frequent speaker and trainer, including engagements for the Independent Book Publishers Association, the Alliance of Independent Authors (ALLi), the Independent Writers of Southern California, and the Santa Barbara Writers Conference.
Start reading it for free:

How to Blog a Book Revised and Expanded Edition: Write, Publish, and Promote Your Work One Post at a Time by Nina Amir
Great Tips for Authors Who Do Their Own Book marketing Blogging a book is just one more thing on the list of tasks authors must do to get traction in the marketplace.
Authors can save a lot of time by using the techniques outlined.
Even if you are an experience blogger you’ll find many items to advance your blogging skills.
I highly recommend this book.

Book marketing professionals know the secrets of success that drove the sales of Rick Warren’s The Purpose Driven Life to a chart-busting best-seller and Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ” into a huge cinema phenom.
Sales of both blockbusters were driven by techniques outlined in a PyroMarketing by Greg Stielstra.
Beyond the Bookstore: How to Sell More Books Profitably to Non-Bookstore Markets by Brian Jud
Since half of all book sales come from outside bookstores it’s important to target these markets.
Mass merchandisers such as Wal-Mart or Costco, gift shops, airport stores, home-shopping networks, book clubs, libraries, network-marketing companies, catalogs, associations, government agencies, corporations, educational markets, retail stores and military branches all buy and sell books.
Author 101 Bestselling Book Publicity: The Insider’s Guide to Promoting Your Book–and Yourself by Rick Frishman (and few others)
I rank Rick Frishman as one of the top publicists in the U.S. not to mention he’s a nice guy too!
His book, co-authored by Robyn Freedman Spizman and Mark Steisel, offers advice and insight about every stage of the publishing world.
Using testimonials and commentary, this book lets authors, agents, and publishers alike show you the things you should and shouldn’t do in promoting your book.
Book Marketing from A to Z by Francine Silverman
More than 300 authors, marketers and publicists, including yours-truly tell about their best promotional strategies with regards to book marketing.
You’ll undoubtedly find several good ideas to implement.
While you’re at it, check out Fran’s Book Promotion Newsletter which for $7.50 a year is the best value in book marketing in the USA.
Buy her book here:
Book Title Generator: A Proven System in Naming Your Book by Scott Lorenz
My own book Book Title Generator is a must read BEFORE you title you your book…
It’s the first thing they see… and if done right, can make all the difference.
Is your Title designed to sell?
Book Title Generator is designed to help authors and publishers spark the idea to lead them to the perfect book title. It’s the surefire way to find your winning title.
Would you like help promoting your book?
If so, tell us a little about your book. What is the title? Do you have a publisher? What is the publish date? How many pages is your book? What is the cost? Do you have web site? What is your specific goal I.E., to make money, raise awareness, get the attention of an agent or publisher, sell the story to a movie or TV studio or something else?
Submit the form below with this information and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you!