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Authors: Is it Time to Do a TEDx Talk?

By Scott Lorenz
Westwind Communications

A TEDx talk is another arrow in the quiver for authors to propel their book… or to get a book deal.
Scott Lorenz, Book Publicist

Learn about how a TEDx Talk can help you make it big as an author.

Technology, Entertainment, and Design or TED is a nonprofit organization dedicated to spreading ideas in the form of short yet powerful talks. Since its inception in 1984, its talks have covered a plethora of topics such as science, art, business, global issues, and education.

TEDx is a program of self-organized events that brings people together to enjoy a TED-like experience. To sign up for and give a TEDx talk, you must obtain a TED license that states you have agreed to adhere to certain guidelines like no selling, religious proselytizing, or speaking about politics.

While TED talks take a global approach to a topic and must be hosted by experts, TEDx talks focus on a local community and can be organized by just about anyone. Believe it or not, there are many authors that have given TEDx talks and landed book deals as a result.

For example, Celeste Headlee spoke at TEDxCreativeCoast on “10 Ways to Have a Better Conversation.” Her talk was viewed more than 14 million times and she was eventually contacted by an agent who helped her publish her book, “We Need to Talk: How to Have Conversations That Matter.”

In addition, Mac Barnett, award-winning author of children’s books like “I Love You Like a Pig” and “Places to Be” spoke at TEDxSonomaCounty on “Why a Good Book is a Secret Door.”

If you’re interested in taking your career and book to the next level, getting involved in a TEDx talk may be a great idea. Here are dozens of TEDx talks around the country that you can apply to as an author.

1. TEDxWilmington: https://www.tedxwilmington.com/

2. TEDxPortland: https://www.tedxportland.com/

3. TEDxBoulder: https://tedxboulder.com/

4. TEDxMidAtlantic: https://tedxmidatlantic.com/

5. TEDxMileHigh: https://www.tedxmilehigh.com/

6. TEDxSanAntonio: https://tedxsanantonio.com/

7. TEDxFargo: http://tedxfargo.com/

8. TEDxCharlottesville: https://tedxcharlottesville.com/

9. TEDxUCLA: https://tedx.ucla.edu/

10. TEDxOshkosh: https://www.tedxoshkosh.com/

11. TEDxNashville: https://www.tedxnashville.com/

12. TEDx ManhattanBeach: https://tedxmanhattanbeach.com/

13. TEDxJacksonHole: http://www.tedxjacksonhole.org/

14. TEDxRapidCity: https://www.tedxrapidcity.com/

15. TEDxDetroit: https://www.tedxdetroit.com/

16. TEDxSonomaCounty: https://www.tedxsonomacounty.com/

17. TEDxCreativeCoast: https://www.ted.com/tedx/events/14007

18. TEDxCharleston – https://tedxcharleston.org/

19. TEDxElPaso – https://www.tedxelpaso.com/

20. TEDxMolalla – https://tedxmolalla.com/

21. TEDxNatick – https://www.tedxnatick.org/

22. TEDxYouthWilmington – https://tedxwilmington.net/

23. TEDxYouthSanAntonio – https://tedxsanantonio.com/youth/

24. TEDx Tullahoma – https://tedxtullahoma.com/

25. TEDxNaperville – https://tedxnaperville.com/

26. TEDxStLouis – https://tedxsaintlouis.org/

27. TEDxHickory – https://www.tedxhickory.com/

28. TEDxWilmette – https://www.tedxwilmette.com/

29. TEDxSantaBarbara – https://tedxsantabarbara.com/

30. TEDxLaJolla – http://www.tedxlajolla.com/

31. TEDxCincinnati – https://www.tedxcincinnati.com/

32. TEDxWilmington – https://www.tedxwilmington.com/

33. TEDxJacksonville – https://www.tedxjacksonville.com/

34. TEDxMiami – https://www.tedxmiami.com/

35. TEDxPortsmouth – https://tedxportsmouth.com/

36. TEDxAtlanta – https://www.tedxatlanta.com/

37. TEDxBayonne – https://www.tedxbayonne.com/

38. TEDxAlisoViejo – https://tedxalisoviejo.com/

39. TEDxBocaRaton – https://tedxbocaraton.com/

40. TEDxProvidence – https://www.tedxprovidence.com/

41. TEDxSavannah – https://tedxsavannah.com/

42. TEDxKeyBiscayne – https://tedxkeybiscayne.com/

43. TEDxSugarLand – https://www.tedxsugarland.org/

44. TEDxGoshen – https://www.tedxgoshen.com/

45. TEDxAsheville – https://tedxasheville.com/

46. TEDxSanDiego – https://www.tedxsandiego.com/

47. TEDxPittsburgh – https://www.tedxpittsburgh.org/

48. TEDxRockville – http://www.tedxrockville.org/

49. TEDxMinneapolis – https://tedxminneapolis.com/

50. TEDxInglewood – https://tedxinglewoodca.com/

51. TEDxRochester – https://www.tedxrochester.org/

52. TEDxMarin – https://tedxmarin.org/

53. TEDxWarrenton – https://www.tedxwarrenton.com/

54. TEDxSaltLakeCity – https://www.tedxsaltlakecity.com/

55. TEDxDavenport – https://www.tedxdavenport.com/

56. TEDxOneonta – https://www.tedxoneonta.com/

57. TEDxHuntingtonBeach – https://www.tedxhuntingtonbeach.com/

Want a global list of TEDx events? Check out this interactive world map of TEDx talks: https://www.ted.com/tedx/events

If you do decide to participate in a TEDx talk, it’s important to listen and watch various talks so that you can get a feel for what they are like and what the audience expects to see. “TEDx presentations are an art form,” says Jess Todtfeld former TV producer for NBC, ABC and FOX-TV. “You have to deliver on the theme of the event and speak without notes. I help authors and experts fine-tune their talks to fit the TEDx style so they can crush the talk,” says Todtfeld.

Contact Jess at: https://www.successinmedia.com/ted-talk-training/

Also, when speaking in a TEDx talk, focus on one idea worth spreading, create a hook that grabs the audience’s attention and sparks their curiosity, and make sure you are clear and conversational. In addition, keep in mind that some TEDx talks require video applications or in-person auditions.

The Bottom Line:  A TEDx talk can be a great opportunity to get yourself noticed as an author. It may be just what you need to land the book deal you’ve always wanted.

About Book Publicist Scott Lorenz

Book publicist Scott Lorenz is President of Westwind Communications, a public relations and marketing firm that has a special knack for working with authors to help them get all the publicity they deserve and more. Lorenz works with bestselling authors and self-published authors promoting all types of books, whether it’s their first book or their 15th book. He’s handled publicity for books by CEOs, CIA Officers, Navy SEALS, Homemakers, Fitness Gurus, Doctors, Lawyers and Adventurers. His clients have been featured by Good Morning America, FOX & Friends, CNN, ABC News, New York Times, Nightline, TIME, PBS, LA Times, USA Today, Washington Post, Woman’s World, & Howard Stern to name a few.

Learn more about Westwind Communications’ book marketing approach at https://www.WestwindBookMarketing.com or contact Lorenz at [email protected] or 734-667-2090 or fill out the form below. Follow Lorenz on Twitter @aBookPublicist. Want help titling a book? Check out Scott Lorenz’s new award winning, bestselling book: Book Title Generator- A Proven System in Naming Your Book www.BookTitleGenerator.net.

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