If you are a serious writer with high aspirations, then you’ll want to go to a writers’ conference. Want to meet authors and exchange ideas, tips and techniques? Then sign up for a writer’s conference today.
A writers’ conference is a think tank for authors to build on each other’s ideas and inspire new achievements in their own work. For the cost of lodging and registration, the payoff for attending a writers’ conference could be tremendous.
Attending a writers’ conference gives you a chance to pitch your book, learn about the various publishing options and meet book editors, agents and book marketing specialists. If your book is six months or a year from being finished, you can talk to people with valuable input on shaping your book. At a writers’ conference, you’ll get all sorts of advice to help you wrap up your project when you return home.
Of course, you will want to prepare for any writers’ conference you attend by having a plan of what you want to find out and what you will do while there. I suggest you develop an ‘elevator pitch’ about your book that you can deliver in 30 seconds. Have a one-pager available with your book cover, author headshot, short 50-word synopsis, short bio, website URL, Twitter handle and your contact information. You never know who you’ll meet so be prepared for that moment!
Here are some upcoming writers’ conferences in 2025:
January 18–19, 2025: South Asian Literary Association Annual Conference (Virtual). In the 2025 annual meeting of SALA, we take seriously the call for collective action, coalition building and solidarity between Black and South Asian peoples across the world in the aftermath of Black Lives Matter and new awareness about anti-Asian racism. https://southasianliteraryassociation.org/annual-conference/
February 6–9, 2025: 21st Annual San Francisco Writers Conference (San Francisco, CA). The San Francisco Writers Conference (“SFWC”) enjoys a rich literary culture. Over the course of four days, over 500 attendees and renowned keynote authors, presenters, editors, and agents, attend SFWC, combining the best of both the traditional publishing industry with the latest technology to empower authors to publish anywhere. Situated just north of Silicon Valley, the SFWC is truly a one-of-a-kind celebration of craft, commerce, and community. https://www.sfwriters.org/
February 14–16, 2025: Southern California Writers Conference (San Diego, CA). Founded and run by professional writers the SCWC provides veteran and emerging talent with authoritative guidance to help distinguish those manuscripts that are ready for market consideration, having facilitated well over $4 million worth of first-time authors’ book and screen deals. https://writersconference.com/sd/
February 21–25, 2025: Write to Learn Conference (Columbia, MO). Full disclosure, I swiped this year’s theme (with permission) from the title of Bonnie Davis’s book, How to Teach Students Who Don’t Look Like You: Culturally Responsive Teaching Strategies. Bonnie, an old friend, was one of the early leaders in this field that has now come to be known as Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI). – says Willy Wood, Write to Learn Conference Coordinator. https://web.cvent.com/event/e387a59d-1ebe-4e1f-85e8-7fb9869c8b56/summary
February 24–28, 2025: 30th Annual Writers at the Symposium by the Sea (San Diego, CA). Writer’s Symposium by the Sea is an annual event to inspire readers and writers alike, featuring evocative conversations with exemplary writers from various genres, backgrounds, and perspectives. During each interview, the audience is invited to actively listen in as writers share what inspires their writing and delve into the practices that propel their success. https://www.pointloma.edu/2025writers
February 27– March 8, 2025: 2025 Sierra Writers Conference (Rocklin, CA). The 2025 Sierra Writers Conference celebrates the 22nd anniversary of Sierra College Press and Standing Guard, its landmark book of stories about Japanese internment during WWII. This year’s conference draws on the spirit of the Sierra College Press, its first publication, and the talent of a diverse group of speakers who will discuss and provide instruction on stories of social justice, the environment, and the craft of writing. https://sierrawritersconference.wordpress.com/
March 1–2, 2025: Gotham Writers Genre Fiction Conference (Via Zoom). The Gotham Writers Genre Fiction Writers Conference happens in March 2025, for writers of mystery, horror, and science fiction & fantasy books. Gotham Writers has two conferences per year, targeted to different corners of the publishing world. https://www.writingclasses.com/writers-conference/home
March 6–7, 2025: 28th ASU Writers Conference in Honor of Elmer Kelton (San Angelo, TX). The 2025 conference will commemorate the 28th Angelo State University Writers Conference in Honor of Elmer Kelton. Our two-day conference is one of the few in the state that requires no registration or attendance fees for presenters and guests. https://www.angelo.edu/departments/english-modern-languages/writers_conference.php
March 8, 2025: Bay to Ocean Writers Conference 2025 (Chesapeake College, Wye Mills, MD). Now celebrating its 28th year, the Bay to Ocean Writers Conference is a one-day event that has attracted more than 4,000 writers over its history. It is sponsored by the Eastern Shore Writers Association (ESWA), a non-profit organization of writers from across the Delmarva Peninsula. https://www.easternshorewriters.org/event-5975520
March 15, 2025: The 2025 Atlanta Writing Workshop (Atlanta, GA). The title of the Atlanta Writing Workshop is “How to Get Published.” It focuses on classes and advice intended to help you get your works published. https://atlantawritingworkshop.com/
March 12–15, 2025: Blue Lake Christian Writers Conference (Andalusia, AL). At Blue Lake Christian Writers Retreat, you’ll experience the benefits of a large writers’ conference, but on a more personal level. Whether you’re a beginning or experienced writer, interested in fiction or nonfiction, our faculty of seasoned professionals can teach you how to improve your writing skills, market your work, and get published. https://bluelakecwr.com/
March 19–21, 2025: 56th Annual UND Writers Conference (Grand Forks, ND). Founded in 1970 and held every year since, the UND Writers Conference is a three-day event featuring six to eight authors annually ranging from Gwendolyn Brooks and August Wilson to Tommy Orange and Colson Whitehead. The UND Writers Conference is committed to community outreach, engagement, and finding ways to increase audience access to literature. https://und.edu/writers-conference/index.html
March 21–23, 2025: Let’s Just Write! An Uncommon Writers Conference (Chicago, IL). Let’s Just Write! An Uncommon Writers Conference was named one of the best conferences in the U.S. by The Writer Magazine two years in a row! Two days, twenty-plus presenters, workshops, sessions, panels…and more. https://www.chicagowrites.org/conference
March 22, 2025: Atlanta Self-Publishing Conference (Atlanta, GA). They offer the Atlanta Self-Publishing Conference annually for authors who are interested in self-publishing or who have self-published and want to get the most out of their publishing business. https://atlantawritersclub.org/aspc/
March 26–29, 2025: AWP Conference 2025 (Los Angeles, CA). The AWP Conference & Bookfair is the essential gathering for writers, teachers, students, editors, and publishers. Join thousands of attendees, explore hundreds of events and exhibitors, and immerse in four days of vital literary community and celebration in Los Angeles! https://s2.goeshow.com/awp/annual/2025/index.cfm
March 28–29, 2025: American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW)- Colorado Springs Chapter (Colorado Springs, CO). American Christian Fiction Writers, Colorado Springs Chapter, has offered an affordable conference experience for Christian writers annually since 2009. We invite you to join us at Glen Eyrie Castle in the foothills of Colorado Springs, Colorado, for an unforgettable weekend of teaching, fellowship and inspired writing, whether you are already an established author or just starting your journey to publication. https://acfwcosprings.net/
April 3–5, 2025: 22nd Las Vegas Writers Conference (Las Vegas, NV). This year – and every year – the 22nd Las Vegas Writers Conference is dedicated to helping writers of all genres improve their craft, sharpen their business skills, and network with publishing professionals. Held each spring, this year’s conference will draw virtual attendees from around the world. Pitch sessions with literary agents and editors are included in the price of registration. Writers will have the opportunity for one-on-one mentoring sessions with faculty members and other published authors. https://lasvegaswritersconference.com/
April 3–6, 2025: The 2025 Chanticleer Authors Conference (Bellingham, WA). What makes the Chanticleer Author Conferences so special? Most importantly, the attendees! You are what makes this conference so special. Learning from the experts – Learn from the Best! Learning from each other and Networking and making new friends and connections. https://www.chantireviews.com/chanticleer-conference/
April 10–11, 2025, International Conference on Corpus Design, Compilation and Linguistics (Boston, MA). International Conference on Corpus Design, Compilation and Linguistics aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research results on all aspects of Corpus Design, Compilation and Linguistics. It also provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for researchers, practitioners and educators to present and discuss the most recent innovations, trends, and concerns as well as practical challenges encountered, and solutions adopted in the fields of Corpus Design, Compilation and Linguistics. https://waset.org/corpus-design-compilation-and-linguistics-conference-in-april-2025-in-boston
April 11–12, 2025: Moravian Writers Conference (Bethlehem, PA). To celebrate the conference’s 11-year anniversary, this FREE conference (featuring in-person and live streamed events) will focus on different approaches for thinking about story and story sharing. https://www.moravian.edu/writersconference
April 11–15, 2025: Vision Christian Writers Conference (Felton, CA). The Vision Christian Writing Conference is the response to the devastating news that Mt. Hermon was ceasing their legacy 50-year writing conference at the beginning of the pandemic. https://vcwconf.com/
April 24–26, 2025: NWG Annual Conference (Omaha, NE). The Nebraska Writers Guild offers three days of consultations, critique boot camps, and shop talk seminars. Appointments with literary agents like Kristina Slater are first-come, first-served, and have no extra cost. This conference is perfect for writers who would rather focus on intimate group or pair discussions rather than large panels. Workshops are capped to allow for in-depth discussion and a focus on networking without small talk. https://nebraskawriters.org/the-nebraska-writers-guild-2025-annual-conference/
May 1–3, 2025: 2025 OWFI Writers Conference (Oklahoma City, OK). Founded in 1968, the Oklahoma Writers’ Federation, Inc. (OWFI) is a non‑profit federation of writers’ groups dedicated to promoting higher standards for the written word. We believe that the literary profession has come of age and merits a fair share of the critical acclaim so generously lavished on other worthwhile arts. OWFI shall seek to coordinate and encourage professional writing within and without its organization and promote the recognition of outstanding contributions to the written language. https://www.owfi.org/
May 2–3, 2025: Lakefly Writers Conference, (Oshkosh, WI). EVERYONE HAS A STORY! Come to the Oshkosh Premier Waterfront Hotel and Convention Center for a two-day conference. They offer workshops on the craft and business of writing designed to inspire and guide your creative journey. https://lakeflywriters.org/
May 2–3, 2025: Atlanta Writers Conference (Atlanta, GA). AWC’s 32nd conference offers an in-person experience for all activities—critiques and pitches, a workshop, Q&A panels, free talks, an award ceremony, a book fair & more—and a virtual option for agent/editor meetings https://atlantawritersconference.com/
May 2–4, 2025: 32nd Annual Pikes Peak Writers Conference (Colorado Springs, CO). The Future is Now. Join us as we look at the present and future of publishing. Look at where you are in your career and where you want to be and let us help you chart your course to the stars. Don’t be a Red Shirt! Let us help you soar to success! https://conference.pikespeakwriters.org/
May 2–4, 2025: 7th Annual Sonoma Valley Authors Festival (Sonoma, CA). The Sonoma Valley Authors Festival Brings people together to hear authors from a variety of literary genres and speakers who discuss advances being made in science, technology, and medicine. https://svauthorsfest.org/
May 3, 2025: The 2025 Michigan Writing Workshop (Detroit, MI). At this writers’ conference, participants will enjoy a day of intense instruction on how to get their works published. https://michiganwritingworkshop.com/
May 6–7, 2025: Monterey Writers Retreat Conference (Pacific Grove, CA). Join us on the wondrously scenic and soothing Monterey Peninsula in Pacific Grove for the express purpose of working intimately with experienced author and agent professionals. Know that writers of every kind have journeyed for over a century to this location on the California west coast. They come in search of inspiration, individuality, purpose and vision, but more importantly, to share an understanding that art has preceded their arrival in the form of a brutally beautiful sea and windswept shore. https://montereywritersretreat.com/
May 8–10, 2025: Storymakers Conference (Provo, UT). The Storymakers Conference will consist of various classes that cover various topics such as cover design, marketing, creating a writing business, and the nuts and bolts of screenwriting. The Storymakers conference features over a hundred classes geared toward aspiring and established writers alike, taught by some of the best presenters in the publishing industry. https://storymakersguild.org/storymakers-conference
May 15–18, 2025: Looking Glass Rock Writers Conference (Brevard, NC). Exploring the theme “A Sense of Place,” small select groups of conference attendees experience working under the guidance of notable writers. Founded in 2016 as a partnership between the Transylvania County Library and Brevard College, the annual conference consists of writing workshops for select participants and public readings by the workshop leaders free to the community. https://www.lgrwc.org/
May 17–20, 2025. Kachemak Bay Writers Conference (Homer, AK). The Kachemak Bay Writers’ Conference has been the place where writers from Alaska and beyond come together to create community and learn how to be better writers. https://writersconf.kpc.alaska.edu/
May 26–30, 2025, Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference (Black Mountain, NC). The Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference began nearly four decades ago as a spirit-filled environment where writers could move forward in their writing journey and publishing dreams. The legacy event is focused on God’s path for each writer, and the conference is dedicated to meeting professional and spiritual needs. https://www.blueridgeconference.com/blue-ridge-mountains-christian-writers-conference/
May 29 – June 1, 2025: Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers 2025 Writers Retreat (Colorado Springs, CO). The RMFW 2025 Writers Retreat is taking place at the beautiful Franciscan Retreat Center in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Immersed in this tranquil environment, authors are encouraged to come and work, network with other authors, join a critique group, and gather valuable knowledge from others in the industry. Lodging and meals are included in the price of the retreat. https://rmfw.org/event/2025-writers-retreat/
June 4–10, 2025: TWH MAINE “Mini MFA” Writers Conference (Boothbay Harbor, ME). The Writer’s Hotel Maine “Mini MFA” is a unique, hybrid, comprehensive writing program. Our programming includes our TWH two-editor pre-conference Team Reading, virtual agent pitching sessions and our conference at Sebasco Harbor Resort in Phippsburg, Maine—a magnificent seaside resort, just north of Portland. https://www.writershotel.com/twh-maine-mini-mfa-conferences
June 6–8, 2025: Between the Pages Writers Conference (Springfield, MO). Springfield Writer’s Guild, Sleuths’ Ink, and Ozarks Romance Authors are pleased to present the second annual Between the Pages Writers Con, June 6-8, 2025. Join us for an exciting lineup of guest speakers, workshops, and the opportunity to network with industry professionals. https://btpwriterscon.com/
June 6–10, 2025, SWA 2025 Writers Conference (St. Simon’s Island, GA). This low-key summer conference for Southeast-based writers features book signing, socializing, and workshops on writing, publishing, and marketing works. https://www.southeasternwritersassociation.org/
June 10-13, 2025: Write-to-Publish Conference (Wheaton, IL). Since 1971, Write to Publish has been training, inspiring and encouraging writers like you, connecting them with editors to help them improve their craft, with publishers who are looking for good books to publish, and with literary agents who can represent them. https://writetopublish.com/
June 16-20, 2025: 26th Anniversary – Writing and Illustrating for Young Readers Conference (Draper, UT). Writing and Illustrating for Young Readers presents an exciting five-day conference every June, consisting of intensive, week-long classes and daily breakout sessions. The heart of Writing and Illustrating for Young Readers is its morning workshops, where attendees have the opportunity to workshop their manuscripts with an industry professional. In the afternoon workshops, registrants have the opportunity to attend plenary and breakout sessions to learn more about the craft of writing.” https://www.wifyr.com/
June 17–21, 2025: ThrillerFest XX (New York, NY). Notable thriller writers like Dennis Lehane will join other experts to offer Master Classes, workshops, pitches, panel discussions, and more. The conference’s PitchFest and QueryFest offer opportunities for self-published authors, traditionally published authors, and unpublished authors seeking query letter or manuscript help. Pricing is via day passes, per event, or with packages. https://thrillerfest.com/
June 18–22, 2025: St. Davids Christian Writers’ Conference (Meadville, PA). This year’s theme is “Your Story, God’s Glory”. St. Davids is special. They’re an intimate gathering of writers that provides an opportunity to build a network, not by exchanging business cards in a busy hallway. Here they connect, like real people – laughing over lunch, chatting about their projects in the lounge, or giving their elevator pitch in genre group meetings. Writing is a different beast with the digital world but connecting with people is still done face to face. https://stdavidswriters.com/
June 23–28, 2025: Minnesota Northwoods Writers Conference (Bemidji, MN). The Minnesota Northwoods Writers Conference has given hundreds of participants from Minnesota and across the United States the opportunity to work closely with award-winning faculty. We offer a range of scholarships to support emerging writers, important voices, and community leaders. This writing conference is full of workshops, Q&A sessions, panel talks. https://www.northwoodswriters.org/
July 13–20, 2025: Port Townsend Writers Conference (Port Townsend, WA). Since 1974, the Port Townsend Writers Conference has brought together aspiring and master artists to talk about craft, ignite creativity, connect learners and mentors, and build a diverse community. The Conference includes a week of generative, craft-centered workshops, lectures, readings, open mics, and communal gatherings in an environment designed to de-privilege the literary art form and serve diverse voices from across nations. Whether you consider yourself a beginning or seasoned writer, our approach is to provide an inspiring and inclusive space where writers can share their perspectives, celebrate growth, and take creative risks to improve their writing and the writing of our peers. https://centrum.org/program/writers-conference/
July 16–20, 2025: GCLS Annual Conference (Albany, NY). The GCLS’s annual conference is the premier literary event for both authors and readers. The event brings together readers, fans, writers, editors and publishers to celebrate women-loving-women and sapphic literature. https://www.goldencrownliterarysociety.org/2025-annual-conference
July 17–20, 2025: Readercon 34 Conference (Burlington, MA). Although Readercon is modeled on “science fiction conventions,” we have no art show, no costumes, no gaming, and almost no media. Instead, Readercon features a near-total focus on the written word. In many years the list of Readercon guests rivals or surpasses that of the Worldcon in quality. Readercon is the only small convention regularly attended by such giants of imaginative literature as Samuel R. Delany, Ellen Datlow, Amal El-Mohtar, John Crowley, Greer Gilman, and Catherynne M. Valente. https://readercon.org/
July 18–20, 2025: Imaginarium (Louisville, KY). Imaginarium 2025 is proud to announce the addition of six new workshops to our programming! There will be over 135 panels and workshops hosted in our 12th year, so make sure to check back regularly on our official site to see all new additions! The titles, presenters, and descriptions for these new programming additions are as follows: New Workshop Additions: A Journey From Concept to Live Performance: Presenter – Terry Chambers. Representing historical figures through performance art: Step 1: Research and Select Your Topic Step 2: Outline Your Script Step 3: Write the Script Step 4: Rehearse and Refine with props and costuming Step 5. https://www.entertheimaginarium.com/
July 19–21, 2025: Sun Valley Writers’ Conference (Sun Valley, ID). The Sun Valley Writers’ Conference (SVWC) began with a conversation among four friends – journalist Reva B. Tooley, Sun Valley Community School leaders Jon and Leslie Maksik, and venture capitalist Gordon Russell, who sat around a kitchen table in 1994 and fantasized about starting a writers’ conference. One year later, SVWC held its first event in a tent at Sun Valley Community School, featuring 12 writers, 108 attendees, and an opening talk by Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist, David Halberstam. https://svwc.com/
July 20–25, 2025: Napa Valley Writers Conference (Napa, CA). Since 1981, the Napa Valley Writers’ Conference has provided literary fellowship and a craft-focused experience among the foothills and vineyards that have made this region famous. http://www.napawritersconference.org/
July 30 – August 3, 2025: Willamette Writers Conference (Portland, OR). Willamette Writers is the largest writers’ organization in the Pacific Northwest. Writers of all genres and at all stages of their careers come to our meetings, annual conference, and workshops to connect with their community, develop their craft, and advance their career. https://willamettewriters.org/
July 31 – August 2, 2025: Mendocino Coast Writers Conference (Mendocino, CA). The Mendocino Coast Writers’ Conference is a vibrant gathering that offers morning workshops in a wide range of genres. Afternoons are packed with craft seminars, panels, one-on-one consultations, and open mics; and every evening offers an opportunity to enjoy the camaraderie and connection that make this conference, in the words of one participant, “life changing.” At this conference, writers can participate in morning workshops that are related to various genres. https://mcwc.org/
July 31 – August 2, 2025. The 61st Cape Cod Writers Center Conference (Hyannis, MA). The Cape Cod Writers Center is committed to assisting published and aspiring writers of all genres, abilities and ages to develop their writing skills and learn the business of editing, publishing and promotion. https://capecodwriterscenter.org/conference-2/
August 2–8, 2025: 30th Annual Postgraduate Writers’ Conference (Montpelier, VT). VCFA’s annual Postgraduate Writers’ Conference is a haven for serious, emerging practitioners seeking to connect, recharge, and lift their process and craft to new levels. https://vcfa.edu/postgraduate-writers-conference/
August 21–25, 2025: 2025 Killer Nashville International Writers’ Conference (Franklin, TN). Killer Nashville is the premier forum for all genres incorporating mystery, thriller, or suspense elements; learn, present, meet agents & editors, sign books, mingle with forensic experts, and network. Writers who attend the Killer Nashville Writers Conference can expect writing workshops, pitch sessions, panel discussions, author signings, and a book fair. https://www.killernashville.com/
September 25–27, 2025: Moonlight & Magnolias Conference 2025 (Norcross, GA). Whether you’re taking your first steps toward writing your dream novel, polishing a manuscript, or celebrating multiple book releases, the Moonlight & Magnolias (M&M) Conference is designed to support writers at every stage of their journey. https://www.garomancewriters.org/moonlight-and-magnolias
October 9–11, 2025: Ozarks Creative Writers Conference (Eureka Springs, AR). This conference is for new, emerging, and accomplished writers focusing on the craft of writing, further developing skills, as well as stimulating and encouraging participants. OCW also focuses on opportunities for the participants to interact with editors, agents, and publishers. https://www.ozarkcreativewriters.com/
November 17–19, 2025: Kauai Writers Conference, (Lihue, Kauai). The Kauai Writers Conference attracts major authors of both literary and popular fiction, memoir, poetry, non-fiction and screenplay. A three-day conference including about 40 workshops, lectures and panels with each of the author faculty. https://kauaiwritersconference.com/
Select a writers’ conference of interest to you and be prepared to enjoy the benefits of meeting other writers. You may acquire knowledge you can use immediately, find a new market for your book, elevate your professional effectiveness, meet editors, agents and publishers, become inspired and return home energized.
The Bottom Line: Take a little working vacation and hit some writers’ conferences. Make it a priority to sign up for one in the coming weeks and months. You’ll be glad you did!
Book publicist Scott Lorenz is President of Westwind Communications, a public relations and marketing firm that has a special knack for working with authors to help them get all the publicity they deserve and more. Lorenz works with bestselling authors and self-published authors promoting all types of books, whether it’s their first book or their 15th book. He’s handled publicity for books by CEOs, CIA Officers, Navy SEALS, Homemakers, Fitness Gurus, Doctors, Lawyers and Adventurers. His clients have been featured by Good Morning America, FOX & Friends, CNN, ABC News, New York Times, Nightline, TIME, PBS, LA Times, USA Today, Washington Post, Woman’s World, & Howard Stern to name a few.
If so, tell us a little about your book. What is the title? Do you have a publisher? What is the publish date? How many pages is your book? What is the cost? Do you have web site? What is your specific goal I.E., to make money, raise awareness, get the attention of an agent or publisher, sell the story to a movie or TV studio or something else?
Submit the form below with this information and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you!
Book festivals and fairs are held year-round all over the world. As a book marketing specialist, I am the first to impress on authors the new and powerful marketing avenues open to all authors on the Internet – from websites and book trailers to social networks like Facebook, Twitter and YouTube. While these are excellent tools when used properly, authors should never overlook opportunities to meet the reading public face-to-face.
Consider visiting some of these Jewish book fairs and festivals
If you are a Jewish author or specialize in writing about Jewish issues, you should consider visiting some of these Jewish book fairs and festivals.
October 2024 – May 2025: 44th Berrin Family Jewish Book Festival of Alper JCC Miami (Miami, FL). Featuring 40+ renowned authors beginning in September each year. Whether you’re a book lover or simply interested in hearing from names synonymous with pop culture and bestsellers, there’s an event for everyone. https://www.alperjcc.org/pages/bookfestival/
November 17, 2024 – March 19, 2025: 25th Cleveland Jewish Book Festival (Beachwood, OH). In its 25th year, opening night kicks off a calendar of 13 events in November 2024 and March 2025. From fiction and non-fiction, books highlight Jewish life, Israel, Amercian diplomacy, spirituality, art, mystery and more. Most events are free and open to the public. All in-person and virtual author presentations are accompanied by lively Q&A sessions. Books will be available for purchase at our partner Mac’s Backs-Books of Coventry in Cleveland Heights. https://mandeljcc.org/Book-Festival
December 9, 2024 – April 2, 2025: Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival (Naples, FL). Celebrating Ten Years of Bringing Authors and Books to Our Community. The Greater Naples Jewish Book Festival brings a showcase of Jewish authors and books of Jewish content to our community. We strive to enrich, entertain and engage the members of our community while providing opportunities to come together for experiences that are both educational and social. https://www.jewishnaples.org/jewish-book-festival
January 16, 2025, St. Louis JCC’s 46th Annual Jewish Book Festival (St. Louis, MO): The St. Louis Jewish Book Festival is an annual celebration of authors, books, and ideas during early November, with additional author events year-round. The range of author topics is vast: business, cooking, economics, family, fiction, history, music, religion, sports, and more. https://jccstl.com/arts-ideas/st-louis-jewish-book-festival/
February 1, 2025, Marcus JCC Atlanta’s 34th Edition of the Book Festival of the MJCCA (Dunwoody, GA). Mark your calendars for the annual Book Festival of the MJCCA—featuring more than 40 renowned authors in November each year. Whether you’re a book lover or simply interested in hearing from names synonymous with pop culture and bestsellers, there’s an event for everyone. The Book Festival of the MJCCA is one of the most highly regarded cultural events in the Southeast. https://www.atlantajcc.org/our-programs/arts-authors/book-festival/upcoming-events/
February 10–16, 2025: Books That Changed My Life festival. The Books That Changed My Life festival is thrilled to announce its first-ever Author in Residence. For an entire week in February, Maya will be in the lobby of the Marlene Meyerson JCC Manhattan, ready to meet with community members and listen to their life stories. This is your chance to share your unique experiences with a celebrated author—who knows, you might even inspire a character in her next book! https://mmjccm.org/arts-film/conversations/book-festival
February 16–23, 2025: Jewish Book Festival 2025 (Durham, NC). This year they’ve got a mix of in-person and virtual events planned for you to hear authors read excerpts from their books, answer your questions, and share their inspiration and challenges in writing these words. This series spotlights diverse stories from across the Jewish world. https://www.jewishforgood.org/book-festival
February 22–27, 2025, Cherie Smith JCC Jewish Book Festival (Vancouver, BC): There will be author talks and Q&As. This event usually attracts over 5,000 people of all ages. For more details, call 604-257-5156 or email [email protected]. https://jccgv.com/jewish-book-festival/
March 1–9, 2025, London International Literacy Festival’s Jewish Book Week (London, UK): It will feature Jewish writers and themes and a number of interesting discussions. https://jewishliteraryfoundation.co.uk/jewish-book-week
March 12, 2025, 74th National Jewish Book Award Celebration (New York, NY): The celebration will feature remarks from a selection of the 73rd winners in addition to special guests of Jewish Book Council. Each ticket supports Jewish Book Council’s efforts to enrich, educate, and strengthen the community through literature. https://www.jewishbookcouncil.org/awards/national-jewish-book-awards
April 28, 2025: South African Jewish Literary Festival. The South African Jewish Literary Festival (JLF) is a one-day smorgasbord for lovers of literature, current affairs, and thought-provoking dialogue. Our fifth festival since its 2016 inception will be in held in Cape Town on Freedom Day, 28 April, 2025. The JLF is a bi-annual event for readers and writers of books with a Jewish connection across all genres. https://jewishliteraryfestival.co.za/
June 23-29, 2025: Yetzirah 2025 Jewish Poetry Conference. For participants, Yetzirah’s third Jewish Poetry Conference will be held June 23-29, 2025, in the mountains of Western North Carolina, in partnership with the University of North Carolina—Asheville’s Center for Jewish Studies. Our time together will consist of a mix of generative workshops focused on Jewish questions and themes, discussion panels, craft talks, readings with Faculty and our Fellows, Scholars, and Contributors, as well as many shared meals and celebrations. https://yetzirahpoets.org/programs/conference/
Throughout 2025, United Jewish Federation of Tidewater & the Simon Family JCC’s Lee and Bernard Jaffe Family Jewish Book Festival (Virginia Beach, VA): For over 40 years, the United Jewish Federation of Tidewater & Simon Family JCC’s Lee and Bernard Jaffe Family Jewish Book Festival has celebrated Jewish authors, illustrators, and books, providing opportunities to engage with bestselling and up-and-coming writers. For further details, contact Jill Grossman at 757-965-6137 or [email protected]. https://federation.jewishva.org/arts-ideas/book-festival
Book fairs typically seek out guest speakers. By volunteering to speak at a Jewish book fair, you will pique the interest of new readers, promote your book, and potentially gain a few new fans. Additionally, you can add the speaking appearance to your resume. Be sure to plan ahead because book fairs, speaking engagements and readings are all planned months in advance. For a complete list of book fairs and festivals visit https://westwindbookmarketing.com/
The Bottom Line: Reach out to the Jewish community and attend a book fair! You will be happy you did.
Book publicist Scott Lorenz is President of Westwind Communications, a public relations and marketing firm that has a special knack for working with authors to help them get all the publicity they deserve and more. Lorenz works with bestselling authors and self-published authors promoting all types of books, whether it’s their first book or their 15th book. He’s handled publicity for books by CEOs, CIA Officers, Navy SEALS, Homemakers, Fitness Gurus, Doctors, Lawyers and Adventurers. His clients have been featured by Good Morning America, FOX & Friends, CNN, ABC News, New York Times, Nightline, TIME, PBS, LA Times, USA Today, Washington Post, Woman’s World, & Howard Stern to name a few.
If so, tell us a little about your book. What is the title? Do you have a publisher? What is the publish date? How many pages is your book? What is the cost? Do you have web site? What is your specific goal I.E., to make money, raise awareness, get the attention of an agent or publisher, sell the story to a movie or TV studio or something else?
Submit the form below with this information and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you!
Your author website is a critical element for the promotion of your books. It’s where people turn to learn more about who you are and what you have to offer. Therefore, it’s important your website provides visitors what they are looking for… information about YOU, YOUR book and how to buy it. Don’t make people click on ten links to get to the buy button!
Key elements of an effective author website include:
Book Cover
Author Headshot
Blurbs from Reviewers
Book Trailer
Buy Buttons to Amazon, Barnes and Noble, etc.
Excerpts or Quotes from the book
Media Clips & Logos
Book Awards
Your Backlist of Books
Option to sign up for your mailing list
If you’d like to create an attractive website that builds your brand and promotes your books, it’s a good idea to explore current author sites and ‘benchmark’ against them. Why reinvent the wheel right? They can give you some inspiration and help you take the right steps toward the ideal online presence. Here’s a list I’ve compiled of the ‘Top 25’ author sites for your review. Let me know what you think. If you know of an author website to add to the list tell me in the comments section below.
James Patterson can afford to pay just about anything for his web design so what exactly is he doing? Take a look and find out for yourself. Fortunately, he has a mailing list you’re welcome to join. You can also tweet out all his books and check out his latest trailers.
When it comes to color, Anthony Horowitz nailed it. He was strategic about the colors he used. As you can see, the rustic orange highlights his top-selling books. Horowitz also displayed his Twitter handle prominently so you can follow him easily.
You can’t go wrong with a website layout like the one on Colleen Coble’s site. It boasts a clean look with features like a newsletter signup as well as designated pages for her current lineup of books, latest releases, and media coverage.
New York Times bestselling author Mitch Albom is one of the most famous authors of our day. He was a sportswriter with the Detroit Free Press and was perennially named best writer of the year by his peers. That’s saying something since many writers’ think they are the best!
His books, ‘Tuesday’s With Morrie’ and ‘Five People You Meet in Heaven’ catapulted him into bestseller stardom and into American culture. His website depicts his work, upcoming book tours, media clips, his work with charities, his radio show, favorites music, and advice to authors about writing. Study this website and Mitch Album.
Patrick Asare is the author of The Boy From Bodua and is one of my clients. His website exemplifies just about everything an author site needs.
You can see he’s got the cover on the top half of the page, buttons to buy the book, awards he’s won, a terrific author photo, a book trailer we created and media interviews. The website was created by Marketing Success.
Tony Robbins’ website is catchy and compelling thanks to the emphasis on his tagline. From the moment you visit it, you want to “Ignite. Achieve. Excel.” His website makes it clear that his coaching services have the potential to change your life.
Jay Shetty’s website promotes his offerings which include his podcast and courses. It also highlights his impressive media coverage. Once you visit his website, you’ll know right away that he was featured on The Today Show, Red Table Talk, World Mental Health Day, and many others.
Malcolm Gladwell has a clean website that draws attention to one of his top books, “The Bomber Mafia.” The “Learn More” tab directs site visitors to take the next step and buy the book on places like Amazon and Apple Books.
In addition to the attractive design, Stephen King’s website features an informative frequently asked questions page (FAQ). Visitors can go there to find out why he became a writer, where he gets his ideas, and more.
When you go to Emma Davies’ website, you’re sure to notice the turquoise color scheme as it really stands out. There’s also a great picture of her as well as a welcome message that directs visitors to her social media outlets and contact page.
Daniel Gibbs knew what he was doing when he requested an interactive website. Visitors can enjoy a variety of unique pages like the map page, ship schematics page, timeline page, and robust universe encyclopedia.
There’s no denying that the close up of Jonathan Fields’ face catches your attention. His website also features a one-of-a-kind email signup that you’ll be directed to join if you state that you “totally agree” and love discovering stories and ideas that inspire you.
Henry Neff’s social media profiles stand out and draw visitors to become a follower or fan. Additionally, his website boasts a robust “About Henry” section with his biography, events, press and interviews, and school visits.
Kelly Minter’s website has a lovely picture of her and clearly conveys who she is: an author, speaker, and musician. We love the easy access to her bible study and email signup that lures visitors in with a free download.
Karen Kingsbury’s website is designed to get visitors to buy her New York Times bestselling book, A Distant Shore. Once you visit it, it becomes quite clear that she wants you to order it as soon as possible.
Julie Orringer’s website has dedicated pages on each of her books, which revolve around the experience of Jewish characters during World War II and current times. Each page includes a description of the book, reviews, and links that direct visitors to make a purchase.
Nicole Krauss’ website is unique in that the navigation is on the left rather than top of the home page. It also features pages that focus on each of her books about Jewish history, themes of identity, and family connections.
My wife loves Janet Evanovich and has read all of her books. On Janet’s website, her book “Game On” steals the show. The dark background really allows it to stand out. We also love the social media icons on the top left and subscribe button on the top right.
Michael Connelly’s website features a compelling about section that does a great job highlighting his key accomplishments. There’s also a space that gets visitors excited for his upcoming releases and dedicated pages for events he’ll be attending and podcasts he’s participated in.
Nora Roberts’ website has a rotating banner that draws attention to the various books she’s written. The books section is quite robust as it includes a release schedule, details on every book she’s written, and a printable full book list.
Jodi Picoult’s website is simple yet compelling. The white background makes the teal social media icons and lovely picture of her stand out. Her site also includes unique pages for all her books, each featuring a synopsis and video.
Brandon Sanderson’s website focuses on his latest book and gives visitors a status update on his projects. In addition, there’s a regularly updated blog and online library with sample chapters, free fiction, and annotations.
James Clear’s website is all about his top book, Atomic Habits. It allows visitors to download the first chapter for free in the hopes of luring them in to purchase a copy and keep reading. Visitors can also subscribe to his weekly newsletter.
JK Rowling’s website revolves around her new children’s book, The Christmas Pig, visitors will find her signature at the very top as well as a great picture of her. There’s also an ‘Answers’ page where JK Rowling answers common questions about herself.
Gary Vaynerchuk’s website is a simple black and white color scheme. The large text about his book, Crushing It really stands out. His website also includes a link to learn more about VeeFriends, his collection of non-fungible tokens (NFTs).
Tim Ferriss’ website was definitely created with a lot of thought and strategy. He owns the phrase ‘FOUR HOUR’ as he is the author of The Four Hour Workweek, The Four Hour Chef and others with Four Hour in the title. There’s a great picture of him outside and an embedded recording of the latest episode of his show. The search box and teal callouts that showcase his greatness are other great additions. But, content is king and there’s plenty of it on his website/blog.
Michael Grumley’s website has a “Next Book Meter” to show visitors how far he is into his next book. It also treats them with a free ebook and shares information about how they can support St. Jude’s Research Hospital by buying his books.
The Bottom Line: When you design your author website, there’s no need to reinvent the wheel. Take a look at other author websites to get an idea of what you like and what type of layout and features would work best for your particular goals.
Book publicist Scott Lorenz is President of Westwind Communications, a public relations and marketing firm that has a special knack for working with authors to help them get all the publicity they deserve and more. Lorenz works with bestselling authors and self-published authors promoting all types of books, whether it’s their first book or their 15th book. He’s handled publicity for books by CEOs, CIA Officers, Navy SEALS, Homemakers, Fitness Gurus, Doctors, Lawyers and Adventurers. His clients have been featured by Good Morning America, FOX & Friends, CNN, ABC News, New York Times, Nightline, TIME, PBS, LA Times, USA Today, Washington Post, Woman’s World, & Howard Stern to name a few.
If so, tell us a little about your book. What is the title? Do you have a publisher? What is the publish date? How many pages is your book? What is the cost? Do you have web site? What is your specific goal I.E., to make money, raise awareness, get the attention of an agent or publisher, sell the story to a movie or TV studio or something else?
Submit the form below with this information and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you!
Some people say a book’s success is based on luck. Some say it’s the right opportunity at the right time. But the real secret? Publicity. As a book publicist, I have seen firsthand what publicity can do for authors. It is not the same as advertising or marketing. Publicity happens much more organically, and it can be the key factor for an author’s big break.
From Obscurity to Stardom: The Power of Publicity for Authors
Let’s look at four amazing success stories by well-known authors!
Ever Heard of SLOW HORSES?
British spy novelist Mick Herron began his career as an obscure author who wrote mostly for himself. He had a day job, and he didn’t expect his literary career to ever get off the ground, especially when he got dropped by his publishing house due to low sales of his first spy novel, Slow Horses.
His agent reached out to an independent publishing house in New York, Soho Press, for his second book, Dead Lions. At first, it didn’t seem like much had changed. Then, his new publisher nominated him for the U.K. Crime Writers’ Association’s Best Novel of 2013. He went home with the top prize, and the attention immediately increased his sales. A U.K. production company even optioned for television rights for Herron’s book. Even so, it wasn’t life changing.
It wasn’t until four years later when librarian Nancy Pearl raved about Slow Horses on National Public Radio. In the following month, the book sold 20,000 copies—more than the past seven years combined.
His novels boomed in popularity, earning him connections with a British publishing company, allowing him to reissue the two books. The relaunch of his writing career put him in the spotlight, and Slow Horses was picked up by Waterstones, Britain’s largest bookstore chain, as their Thriller of the Month in 2017. This was seven years after the book was originally published.
Herron has now sold over three million copies under his British publisher, and even more in the U.S., as well as being picked up for an Apple TV+ series.
It wasn’t an interview or typical advertisements; Herron’s success came from someone praising his book on public radio. That’s the power of publicity.
Dan Brown: The Role of Timing and Radio Interviews
Timing is everything when it comes to publicity. Authors can go years without being recognized. Thriller author Dan Brown is a perfect example of this. At the start of his career, he was a failed songwriter and an unknown author. His first three books sold less than 10,000 copies each. He signed with a new publisher and a new agent, who released the fourth novel of his Robert Langdon series, The Da Vinci Code. To Brown’s shock, it made its way quickly onto the New York Times bestseller list. This boost of attention drew curious eyes to his other works. Digital Fortress, Angels & Demons, and Deception Point, the first books of the series, soon became bestsellers as well. He has now sold millions of copies.
The difference? Brown dove head-first into publicity for his fourth book. He met with executives of major bookstores as well as smaller ones. He created a new image for himself, one that painted him as a scientific researcher. He deleted all evidence of his weak self-promotion and failed career.
By painting a specific image of himself to go along with his book, he got people’s attention. Not to mention, his rank on the New York Times bestseller list was an instant spotlight on his work. His book was thrilling, gripping, and left people talking about it for years after. However, this wouldn’t have happened without publicity. In a Masterclass episode, which I highly recommend, Brown credits Radio TV Interview Reports (RTIR) a printed publication which was mailed to thousands of media outlets announcing new authors and their availability for interviews. He booked himself on dozens and dozens of radio and TV shows, and then his book began to sell. That mailer has morphed into the National Publicity Summit a virtual meeting where authors can pitch themselves to show bookers via ZOOM. Check it out here: http://j.mp/PR-Summit
Rachael Ray: From Cooking Demonstrations to TV Stardom
A successful career in the writing field can also open up many other opportunities. Everyone knows who Rachael Ray is, whether it is from her TV shows, bestselling books, or product lines. Did you know that her career began with some in-store cooking demonstrations, which led to cookbooks and radio appearances?
Before her big break, Rachael Ray had sold around 10,000 cookbooks and was appearing regularly on her own TV segment. However, working behind the scenes, her publicist was booking her on a number of radio shows to promote two of her cookbooks, Comfort Foods and Veggie Meals. While on these programs, listening in was a friend of the Food Network’s VP of Programming as well as Al Roker the weatherman from The Today Show. Their praise of her segment led to hit appearances on both networks. Then, she received the call from Oprah that launched her daily TV show.
Rachael Ray can trace her “big break” to that one radio interview.
The Real Secret to a Book’s Success: Publicity
I personally worked with Jared Knott, author of Tiny Blunders/Big Disasters. His terrific book began with few reviews and little attention. Westwind created a press kit, book trailer, solicited book reviews, posted on Twitter and other social media. We booked Knott on dozens of radio interviews and podcasts. Jared is an engaging interview and his enthusiasm drove sales. With the newfound spotlight, Tiny Blunders/Big Disasters made its way onto eight Amazon Bestseller lists, and it now has more than 3,000 reviews. At one point the reviews were coming in so fast, we could even watch the number of reviews tick up on Amazon right before our eyes!
Knott says, “It is one thing to have a very good book. It is something else for the world to know about it, like it and want to buy it.” With the help of publicity, his book has kept up its popularity for over a year and is still growing. Knott was very complimentary about our services and has graciously thanked me. “No one gets better or more powerful results in a shorter time than Scott Lorenz of Westwind Book Marketing. He knows the industry inside and out. He and his very professional team know what works, what doesn’t work.” Thank you, Jared!
Even self-published books can become hits with the right publicity. Social media sites such as TikTok allow authors to reach a new audience. Keila Shaheen, self-published author of the book The Shadow Work Journal, became a bestseller thanks to the app. Fellow influencer Kohn Gray (@girldadsos) raved about Shaheen’s work, making many short-form videos about it, leading thousands to purchase the book directly from TikTok Shop. It has now sold over a million copies.
While TV shows and radio programs are still around, social media has taken the new generations by storm. One hit post or video can bring millions of people to an author’s page. It’s a new form of publicity that is already showing its incredible success.
Interviews on podcasts, radio, TV, and print help truly motivated book readers to buy a book. If they like an author interview, they’ll read the synopsis, check out the reviews, and then buy the book. If they like it, those book buyers become advocates themselves and tell their friends, family, and associates. For authors, there are tons of resources out there for publicity. Hiring agents, using social media, and traditional marketing are just some first steps.
Still unsure? Check out this list of 127 ways that publicity can benefit authors.
The Bottom Line: Word-of-Mouth IS FREE, but it takes a financial commitment from the author or publisher to get the publicity going so that word-of-mouth can do its work.
Book publicist Scott Lorenz is President of Westwind Book Marketing, a public relations and marketing firm that has a special knack for working with authors to help them get all the publicity they deserve and more. Lorenz works with bestselling authors and self-published authors promoting all types of books, whether it’s their first book or their 15th book. He’s handled publicity for books by CEOs, CIA Officers, Navy SEALS, Homemakers, Fitness Gurus, Doctors, Lawyers and Adventurers. His clients have been featured by Good Morning America, FOX & Friends, CNN, ABC News, New York Times, Nightline, TIME, PBS, LA Times, USA Today, Washington Post, Woman’s World, & Howard Stern to name a few.
Learn more about Westwind Book Marketing at https://WestwindBookMarketing.com or contact Lorenz at [email protected] or 734-667-2090. Want help titling a book? Check out Scott Lorenz’s new award-winning, bestselling book: Book Title Generator- A Proven System in Naming Your Bookwww.BookTitleGenerator.net
Biographies and memoirs are commonly confused, both telling personal stories about an individual’s life. However, there is a distinct difference, and this plays an important role in the purpose of the book and how it is marketed. Let’s take a look at both!
A biography is a nonfiction account of a person’s entire life. It includes key events that shaped them as a person, as well as information about their relationships, work, education, and defining character traits. Biographies can be written about both people who have passed or people who are alive today. Sometimes, biographies are written by the subject themself, and this is known as an autobiography.
The information presented in a biography is objective and factual, often taken from first-hand accounts such as interviews, letters, diaries, newspapers, and more. Biographies are often written in the third person. The main goal of a biography is to present a fact-based record of someone’s childhood, adolescence, and adulthood.
Here are some examples of well-known biographies. All of these extend over their subjects’ entire lives and come from reliable sources.
Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson: “Based on more than forty interviews with Steve Jobs conducted over two years—as well as interviews with more than 100 family members, friends, adversaries, competitors, and colleagues—Walter Isaacson has written a riveting story of the roller-coaster life and searingly intense personality of a creative entrepreneur whose passion for perfection and ferocious drive revolutionized six industries.”
The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks by Rebecca Skloot: “Over the decade it took to uncover this story, Rebecca became enmeshed in the lives of the Lacks family—especially Henrietta’s daughter Deborah. Deborah was consumed with questions: Had scientists cloned her mother? Had they killed her to harvest her cells? And if her mother was so important to medicine, why couldn’t her children afford health insurance?”
Alan Turing: The Enigma by Andrew Hodges: “This New York Times bestselling biography of the founder of computer science, with a new preface by the author that addresses Turing’s royal pardon in 2013, is the definitive account of an extraordinary mind and life.”
Frida: A Biography of Frida Kahlo by Hayden Herrera: “This engrossing biography of Mexican painter Frida Kahlo reveals a woman of extreme magnetism and originality, an artist whose sensual vibrancy came straight from her own experiences.”
Mad Girl’s Love Song: Sylvia Plath and Life Before Ted by Andrew Wilson: “Drawing on exclusive interviews with friends and lovers who have never spoken openly about Plath before and using previously unavailable archives and papers, this is the first book to focus on the early life of the twentieth century’s most popular and enduring female poet.”
A memoir is a story of a person’s life as told by that person. Unlike an autobiography, a memoir centers on emotion and reflection rather than a timeline. Memoirs tend to be limited to a specific time or experience. Memoirs generally fit into one of the following structures: flashback, chronological, themed, or overcoming a struggle.
Memoirs come directly from the source and don’t take an objective approach, since they focus on how the author perceived a situation or event. They are written from a first-person point of view. Memoirs take aspects of fiction novels as well, as they include scenes, dialogue, and an engaging narrative. The main goal of a memoir is for an author to explore a specific theme or situation in their life in an emotion-based way.
Here are some examples of memoirs. Each one focuses on a theme or event that had a profound impact on the author’s life.
I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou: “I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings captures the longing of lonely children, the brute insult of bigotry, and the wonder of words that can make the world right. Maya Angelou’s debut memoir is a modern American classic beloved worldwide.”
Into Thin Air: A Personal Account of the Mount Everest Disaster by Jon Krakauer: “A bank of clouds was assembling on the not-so-distant horizon, but journalist-mountaineer Jon Krakauer, standing on the summit of Mt. Everest, saw nothing that ‘suggested that a murderous storm was bearing down.’ He was wrong. By writing Into Thin Air, Krakauer may have hoped to exorcise some of his own demons and lay to rest some of the painful questions that still surround the event.”
Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert: “This wise and rapturous book is the story of how she left behind all these outward marks of success, and set out to explore three different aspects of her nature, against the backdrop of three different cultures: pleasure in Italy, devotion in India, and on the Indonesian island of Bali, a balance between worldly enjoyment and divine transcendence.”
The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion: “This powerful book is Didion’s attempt to make sense of the ’weeks and then months that cut loose any fixed idea I ever had about death, about illness, about marriage and children and memory, about the shallowness of sanity, about life itself.’”
Night by Elie Wiesel: “Night is Elie Wiesel’s masterpiece, a candid, horrific, and deeply poignant autobiographical account of his survival as a teenager in the Nazi death camps.”
Why does this distinction matter?
Websites like Amazon categorize biographies and memoirs into the same section, so why should they be marketed differently? In a nutshell, biographies and memoirs hold different purposes for readers. A person researching an individual will likely prefer the fact-based biography, while someone looking for a relatable story will gravitate towards a memoir. Therefore, books should be marketed as such to reach their intended audience.
When marketing biographies, focus on the factual aspects. Highlight the first-hand sources, such as photos or interviews. Emphasize what your book offers that a source like Wikipedia does not.
When marketing memoirs, use the emotional aspects to your advantage. Many memoirs focus on childhood events, marriage, divorce, or other life events that readers can relate to. Memoirs can be marketed similarly to fiction novels, although the non-fiction aspect sets them apart as unique stories.
The Bottom Line: Biographies are factual accounts of an individual’s entire life, while memoirs focus on the emotional aspects of a specific event or theme in the author’s life.
Book publicist Scott Lorenz is President of Westwind Communications, a public relations and marketing firm that has a special knack for working with authors to help them get all the publicity they deserve and more. Lorenz works with bestselling authors and self-published authors promoting all types of books, whether it’s their first book or their 15th book. He’s handled publicity for books by CEOs, CIA Officers, Navy SEALS, Homemakers, Fitness Gurus, Doctors, Lawyers and Adventurers. His clients have been featured by Good Morning America, FOX & Friends, CNN, ABC News, New York Times, Nightline, TIME, PBS, LA Times, USA Today, Washington Post, Woman’s World, & Howard Stern to name a few.