
Book Publicist Scott Lorenz offers Authors Book Marketing Tips and Techniques on his Blog “The Book Publicist”

Authors, want publicity?
Get ALL the publicity your book deserves, and MORE!

Resources For Authors

Resources For Authors

Struggling to come up with a good title for your book? Try these online tools.

By Scott Lorenz
Westwind Communications

Coming up with a title for your book is easier said than done. The good news is there are online tools you can use to jump start the creative process. Use them to help create a compelling, attention-grabbing title that speaks to your audience. A good book title is the key to increasing sales, interest, and impact. Here are several worth considering

1. Portent’s Content Idea Generator: Simply enter the subject of your book and this generator will give you some ideas. You can continue to click the arrow until you find a title that piques your interest.

2. Kopy Writing Kourse Book Name Generator: Once you type in your subject, it will give you a long list of hundreds of book titles. Chances are you’ll find one (or a few) that suit your book.

3. Awesome Titles Title Generator: Believe it or not, this generator can open your eyes to 700 catchy titles. Enter a main keyword and you’ll get 3 pages worth of ideas.

4. Selfpublishing.com Nonfiction Book Title Generator: If you’re in need of a title for your nonfiction book, this generator is invaluable. Enter a word that describes its topic. After you click “Generate,” it’ll deliver some good options.

5. Ruggenberg Title Generator: Get six titles at one time with this generator. All you have to do is click “Give me some titles,” sit back, relax, and allow the tool to work its magic.

6. Adazing Book Title Generator: This book title generator will give you “perfect titles in less than 30 seconds.” It’s a bit more involved than other generators because it asks you to select your genre and type in details like the occupation of the protagonist and main character’s goal.

7. Serendipity Fantasy Novel Title Generator: For a simple generator for your fantasy book, the Serendipity Fantasy Novel Title Generator a solid pick. Continue to click “Another” until you see what you’re looking for.

8. Sumo Kickass Headline Generator: The Sumo Kickass Headline Generator allows you to choose the type of title you want: a numbered list, how-to, controversial, playful, etc. Once you do, it’ll ask you to enter a topic and desired outcome before it spits out an option.

9. Writing Exercises Story Title Generator: With the Writing Exercises Story Title Generator, you can click back and forth between the “Adjective” and “Noun” buttons to create a unique story title.

10. Book Title Generator: Using online book title generators are just one ‘tactic’ you need to consider while titling your book. If you want a thoughtful, insightful and scientific approach check out my award-winning book for authors called: BOOK TITLE GENERATOR at https://www.BookTitleGenerator.org. Using the latest methods of getting a book ranked on search engines and in Amazon, I show you a plan to help you get the right title for your book. Before you title your book, I ask you to consider all options in the quest for the perfect book title. From using numbers, alliteration, idioms, and keyword research, Book Title Generator (The Book) covers them all.

The Bottom Line:  Your book title is one of THE most important tasks for authors. Don’t make it an afterthought.

Your #booktitle is one of THE most important tasks for #authors. Don't make it an afterthought. Click to tweet this article to your friends and followers! 𝕏

About Book Publicist Scott Lorenz

Book publicist Scott Lorenz is President of Westwind Communications, a public relations and marketing firm that has a special knack for working with authors to help them get all the publicity they deserve and more. Lorenz works with bestselling authors and self-published authors promoting all types of books, whether it’s their first book or their 15th book. He’s handled publicity for books by CEOs, CIA Officers, Navy SEALS, Homemakers, Fitness Gurus, Doctors, Lawyers and Adventurers. His clients have been featured by Good Morning America, FOX & Friends, CNN, ABC News, New York Times, Nightline, TIME, PBS, LA Times, USA Today, Washington Post, Woman’s World, & Howard Stern to name a few.

Learn more about Westwind Communications’ book marketing approach at https://www.WestwindBookMarketing.com or contact Lorenz at [email protected] or 734-667-2090 or fill out the form below. Follow Lorenz on Twitter @aBookPublicist. Want help titling a book? Check out Scott Lorenz’s new award winning, bestselling book: Book Title Generator- A Proven System in Naming Your Book www.BookTitleGenerator.net.

Would you like help promoting your book?

If so, tell us a little about your book. What is the title? Do you have a publisher? What is the publish date? How many pages is your book? What is the cost? Do you have web site? What is your specific goal I.E., to make money, raise awareness, get the attention of an agent or publisher, sell the story to a movie or TV studio or something else?

Submit the form below with this information and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you!

Book Publicity Who Needs It? 127 Reasons to Go Get It!

Book Publicity Who Needs It? 127 Reasons to Go Get It!

By Scott Lorenz
Westwind Communications

Book publicity can change an author’s life. Don’t put off the most important part of publishing a book. Book marketing costs money but obscurity costs more!

Authors will often wonder what book publicity all about is and ask me about the benefits of marketing their book.

Here’s a list of 127 reasons authors should seek out book publicity.

1. An agent will ‘discover’ your book and offer to represent you.

2. Publicity is Free. Advertising costs money.

3. Your book marketing will spark ideas for new offerings.

4. You’ll get good (WOM) word of mouth advertising.

5. You’ll become the go-to author the media seeks out.

6. You’ll get new business because of all the publicity.

7. You’ll create positive energy generating more good book ideas while book marketing

8. Book publicity success will lead to loyal employees.

9. You’ll be a more driven, optimistic, and secure author.

10. Other authors will be blown away by your book publicity.

11. Book publicity will pay off because you’ll be able to work less.

12. Your book will inspire you to create another product or service.

13. Well-known TV shows will reach out to you because they’ve ‘heard of you.’

14. Readers will become loyal to you and demand you write more!

15. Demand for your services allow you to raise your prices.

16. Third party media endorsements will result in new business, speaking engagements.

17. Media stories about you will help your website show up first on internet searches.

18. Celebrities will be reaching out to you to learn more about your book.

19. Those who previously never paid attention to your book want to be your friend.

20. Random strangers come up to you and remember you as an author they saw on TV.

21. Your Amazon.com orders will skyrocket.

22. Your book publicity will help you create a name for yourself in politics.

23. New found ‘fans’ will ask you for your autograph.

24. Your book promotion will turn into sales.

25. The online ads for your books will lead to sales and consulting deals.

26. You’ll get more inquiries for your business or practice.

27. Your book marketing will spread across the Internet

28. Your employees will be proud of working with you.

29. Legislation that you initiate or inspire gets enacted.

30. When the economy gets tough, your book will keep you thriving.

31. You’ll be invited to prestigious events

32. Customers will gladly buy your book.

33. Book buyers will ask for your book in stores.

34. You can charge a higher price for your books

35. Since people are pre-sold about you and your book they’re predisposed to work with you.

36. Book publicity is more credible and therefore more believable than a paid ad.

37. Media outlets will reach out and offer your book more free publicity.

38. You may have the opportunity to write a syndicated column about your book

39. You may get paid keynote speaking engagements.

40. Book deals will come to you.

41. Your book will be purchased by a major company for promotional purposes

42. Your compensation as an author will grow over time.

43. Book publicity will help you become well-known in your specialty.

44. You’ll get your own TV or Radio show.

45. Those who were skeptical about your book now own it.

46. Big-name media outlets will feature your book.

47. You’ll make $$$ speaking about your book.

48. Your book publicity will help you brand yourself.

49. Major magazines will feature you and your book on their front covers.

50. Your book will become so popular that it’ll be time for you to host a radio show.

51. Framed articles about you and your book will decorate your office

52. Articles about you and your book will get shared all over Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter etc.

53. Well-known personalities will endorse YOU!

54. Your book promotion will pay off because you’ll buy your dream home.

55. Your writing techniques will be taught at schools globally.

56. Your book will create a business big enough to franchise.

57. People will be inspired and positively impacted by your book.

58. Significant mistakes will be prevented thanks to your work as an author.

59. Issues you discuss during your book publicity will be taken seriously.

60. Those who appreciate you and your book want to be in your company.

61. Lots of money will come your way when you act as a celebrity endorser.

62. You’ll make money when ideas from you book are licensed.

63. Book groupies will follow all of your public appearances.

64. You’ll be flooded with bulk book orders by organizations who love what your book.

65. Your message becomes part of the lexicon of the language.

66. Major stores will want to sell your book to their customers.

67. You’ll get discounts from those who are interested in a business opportunity.

68. Promoting your books to international markets will be possible.

69. Your book promotion will motivate others to pursue their dreams.

70. The cause outlined in your book will receive grant money from foundations

71. Your family will admire your achievements and be inspired by your success

72. Your children will be inspired by your success.

73. Your closest friends will proudly brag about your book

74. Book promotion will be more fun than you think!

75. Once your book publicity efforts pay off, you’ll enjoy greater self-esteem.

76. Your book publicity success will inspire you to take better care of yourself

77. Others will view you as an author and expert.

78. You’ll have an edge over your competitors

79. Your customers will see your book solidifying a positive image.

80. Investing opportunities will come to you from venture capital companies.

81. Your success as an author will attract experts to help you.

82. People will take your advice to heart.

83. Your love life will improve as a result of the fame your book publicity has brought you.

84. Your name will be in the databases of TV & Radio producers and journalists.

85. Your book publicity will earn you various awards and nominations.

86. Your legacy will be as a successful author.

87. Other authors will covet your level of success.

88. Your book will be at the front and center at indie and big box bookstores.

89. A commencement speech at your alma mater will be offered to you.

90. Those who once looked down upon you as an author will now see you everywhere.

91. Other people will become passionate about the cause your book revolves around.

92. The Wall Street Journal, USA Today and The New York Times name your book a BESTSELLER.

93. You’ll make more memories with your loved ones.

94. You’ll be a media darling and will be recommended as a “Great Interview.”

95. Your book publicity will connect you to people you would’ve never crossed paths with.

96. Your success as an author will give you more faith in yourself.

97. Your book publicity will lead you to earn an honorary doctorate degree.

98. Your debts will disappear thanks to the great results of your book marketing.

99. You’ll be outlived by the legacy you leave as one of the greatest authors.

100. You’ll get a ‘command’ performance by the President of The United States.

101. An early and wealthy retirement will be your option.

102. Words you invent for your book become household terms.

103. Your success as an author will allow you to achieve even more than you ever thought.

104. Your book could be turned into a movie.

105. You could get a deal to collaborate on a new book with a well-known author.

106. Your book will win awards at major book festivals.

107. You’ll be asked to sit on a panel of expert authors at writer’s conferences.

108. Your book will be required reading at universities worldwide.

109. People will buy your book to send to their Congressman.

110. A book award will be named after you and your book.

111. Your book will attract a global audience.

112. Young children will look up to your success as an author.

113. Aspiring authors will consider you their role model.

114. Traveling the world and marketing a book will become your reality.

115. Millions of people will follow you on Twitter.

116. Cruise ships will be calling you talk about your book.

117. The dream life of fame and fortune will now be yours.

118. Once you’re famous and don’t need it, Banks will want to loan you money.

119. A TV producer will want to collaborate on a new series on your book.

120. Your side of the story will be told to the public thus helping your lawsuit.

121. The U.S. Senate will ask you to testify about issues in your book.

122. New laws will be passed as a result of your book.

123. Book publicity is like a drug, the more you get the more you’ll want.

124. Your book publicist will work for free… (Ok that’s not happening!)

125. Marketing a book will become second nature to you.

126. You’ll accomplish what you’ve always wanted to do i.e. make money & get a movie deal.

127. The more book publicity you get the more publicity YOU’LL GET!

The Bottom Line:  Book publicity can change an author’s life. Don’t put off the most important part of publishing a book. Book marketing costs money but obscurity costs more!

Book publicity can change an author’s life. Don’t put off the most important part of publishing a book. Book marketing costs money but obscurity costs more! #AuthorAdvice #BookMarketing #BookPromotion #BookPublicity #BookPublishing Click to tweet this article to your friends and followers! 𝕏

About Book Publicist Scott Lorenz

Book publicist Scott Lorenz is President of Westwind Communications, a public relations and marketing firm that has a special knack for working with authors to help them get all the publicity they deserve and more. Lorenz works with bestselling authors and self-published authors promoting all types of books, whether it’s their first book or their 15th book. He’s handled publicity for books by CEOs, CIA Officers, Navy SEALS, Homemakers, Fitness Gurus, Doctors, Lawyers and Adventurers. His clients have been featured by Good Morning America, FOX & Friends, CNN, ABC News, New York Times, Nightline, TIME, PBS, LA Times, USA Today, Washington Post, Woman’s World, & Howard Stern to name a few.

Learn more about Westwind Communications’ book marketing approach at https://www.WestwindBookMarketing.com or contact Lorenz at [email protected] or 734-667-2090 or fill out the form below. Follow Lorenz on Twitter @aBookPublicist. Want help titling a book? Check out Scott Lorenz’s new award winning, bestselling book: Book Title Generator- A Proven System in Naming Your Book www.BookTitleGenerator.net.

Would you like help promoting your book?

If so, tell us a little about your book. What is the title? Do you have a publisher? What is the publish date? How many pages is your book? What is the cost? Do you have web site? What is your specific goal I.E., to make money, raise awareness, get the attention of an agent or publisher, sell the story to a movie or TV studio or something else?

Submit the form below with this information and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you!

Would you like help promoting your book?

If so, tell us a little about your book. What is the title? Do you have a publisher? What is the publish date? How many pages is your book? What is the cost? Do you have web site? What is your specific goal I.E., to make money, raise awareness, get the attention of an agent or publisher, sell the story to a movie or TV studio or something else?

Submit the form below with this information and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you!

Authors: Is it Time to Do a TEDx Talk?

Authors: Is it Time to Do a TEDx Talk?

By Scott Lorenz
Westwind Communications

A TEDx talk is another arrow in the quiver for authors to propel their book… or to get a book deal.
Scott Lorenz, Book Publicist

Learn about how a TEDx Talk can help you make it big as an author.

Technology, Entertainment, and Design or TED is a nonprofit organization dedicated to spreading ideas in the form of short yet powerful talks. Since its inception in 1984, its talks have covered a plethora of topics such as science, art, business, global issues, and education.

TEDx is a program of self-organized events that brings people together to enjoy a TED-like experience. To sign up for and give a TEDx talk, you must obtain a TED license that states you have agreed to adhere to certain guidelines like no selling, religious proselytizing, or speaking about politics.

While TED talks take a global approach to a topic and must be hosted by experts, TEDx talks focus on a local community and can be organized by just about anyone. Believe it or not, there are many authors that have given TEDx talks and landed book deals as a result.

For example, Celeste Headlee spoke at TEDxCreativeCoast on “10 Ways to Have a Better Conversation.” Her talk was viewed more than 14 million times and she was eventually contacted by an agent who helped her publish her book, “We Need to Talk: How to Have Conversations That Matter.”

In addition, Mac Barnett, award-winning author of children’s books like “I Love You Like a Pig” and “Places to Be” spoke at TEDxSonomaCounty on “Why a Good Book is a Secret Door.”

If you’re interested in taking your career and book to the next level, getting involved in a TEDx talk may be a great idea. Here are dozens of TEDx talks around the country that you can apply to as an author.

1. TEDxWilmington: https://www.tedxwilmington.com/

2. TEDxPortland: https://www.tedxportland.com/

3. TEDxBoulder: https://tedxboulder.com/

4. TEDxMidAtlantic: https://tedxmidatlantic.com/

5. TEDxMileHigh: https://www.tedxmilehigh.com/

6. TEDxSanAntonio: https://tedxsanantonio.com/

7. TEDxFargo: https://tedxfargo.com/

8. TEDxCharlottesville: https://tedxcharlottesville.com/

9. TEDxUCLA: https://tedx.ucla.edu/

10. TEDxOshkosh: https://www.tedxoshkosh.com/

11. TEDxNashville: https://tedxnashville.com/

12. TEDx ManhattanBeach: https://tedxmanhattanbeach.org/

13. TEDxJacksonHole: https://www.ted.com/tedx/events/22246

14. TEDxRapidCity: https://www.tedxrapidcity.com/

15. TEDxDetroit: https://www.tedxdetroit.com/

16. TEDxSonomaCounty: https://www.tedxsonomacounty.com/

17. TEDxCreativeCoast: https://www.ted.com/tedx/events/14007

18. TEDxCharleston – https://tedxcharleston.org/

19. TEDxElPaso – https://www.tedxelpaso.com/

20. TEDxMolalla – https://tedxmolalla.com/

21. TEDxNatick – https://www.tedxnatick.org/

22. TEDxYouthWilmington – https://tedxwilmington.net/

23. TEDxYouthSanAntonio – https://tedxsanantonio.com/youth/

24. TEDx Tullahoma – https://tedxtullahoma.com/

25. TEDxNaperville – https://tedxnaperville.com/

26. TEDxStLouis – https://tedxsaintlouis.org/

27. TEDxHickory – https://www.tedxhickory.com/

28. TEDxWilmette – https://www.tedxwilmette.com/

29. TEDxSantaBarbara – https://tedxsantabarbara.com/

30. TEDxLaJolla – http://www.tedxlajolla.com/

31. TEDxCincinnati – https://www.tedxcincinnati.com/

32. TEDxWilmington – https://www.tedxwilmington.com/

33. TEDxJacksonville – https://tedxjacksonville.com/

34. TEDxMiami – https://www.tedxmiami.com/

35. TEDxPortsmouth – https://tedxportsmouth.com/

36. TEDxAtlanta – https://www.tedxatlanta.com/

37. TEDxBayonne – https://www.ted.com/tedx/events/53028

38. TEDxAlisoViejo – https://www.ted.com/tedx/events/11098

39. TEDxBocaRaton – https://tedxbocaraton.com/

40. TEDxProvidence – https://www.tedxprovidence.com/

41. TEDxSavannah – https://tedxsavannah.com/

42. TEDxKeyBiscayne – https://tedxkeybiscayne.com/

43. TEDxSugarLand – https://www.tedxsugarland.org/

44. TEDxGoshen – https://www.tedxgoshen.com/

45. TEDxAsheville – https://tedxasheville.com/

46. TEDxSanDiego – https://www.tedxsandiego.com/

47. TEDxPittsburgh – https://www.tedxpittsburgh.org/

48. TEDxRockville – http://www.tedxrockville.org/

49. TEDxMinneapolis – https://www.tedxminneapolis.com/

50. TEDxInglewood – https://tedxinglewoodca.com/

51. TEDxRochester – https://www.ted.com/tedx/events/53151

52. TEDxMarin – https://tedxmarin.org/

53. TEDxWarrenton – https://www.tedxwarrenton.com/

54. TEDxSaltLakeCity – https://www.tedxsaltlakecity.com/

55. TEDxDavenport – https://www.tedxdavenport.com/

56. TEDxOneonta – https://www.tedxoneonta.com/

57. TEDxHuntingtonBeach – https://www.tedxhuntingtonbeach.com/

Want a global list of TEDx events? Check out this interactive world map of TEDx talks: https://www.ted.com/tedx/events

If you do decide to participate in a TEDx talk, it’s important to listen and watch various talks so that you can get a feel for what they are like and what the audience expects to see. “TEDx presentations are an art form,” says Jess Todtfeld former TV producer for NBC, ABC and FOX-TV. “You have to deliver on the theme of the event and speak without notes. I help authors and experts fine-tune their talks to fit the TEDx style so they can crush the talk,” says Todtfeld.

Contact Jess at: https://www.successinmedia.com/ted-talk-training/

Also, when speaking in a TEDx talk, focus on one idea worth spreading, create a hook that grabs the audience’s attention and sparks their curiosity, and make sure you are clear and conversational. In addition, keep in mind that some TEDx talks require video applications or in-person auditions.

The Bottom Line:  A TEDx talk can be a great opportunity to get yourself noticed as an author. It may be just what you need to land the book deal you’ve always wanted.

A #TEDx talk can be a great opportunity to get yourself noticed as an #author. It may be just what you need to land the #book #deal you’ve always wanted. Click to tweet this article to your friends and followers! 𝕏

About Book Publicist Scott Lorenz

Book publicist Scott Lorenz is President of Westwind Communications, a public relations and marketing firm that has a special knack for working with authors to help them get all the publicity they deserve and more. Lorenz works with bestselling authors and self-published authors promoting all types of books, whether it’s their first book or their 15th book. He’s handled publicity for books by CEOs, CIA Officers, Navy SEALS, Homemakers, Fitness Gurus, Doctors, Lawyers and Adventurers. His clients have been featured by Good Morning America, FOX & Friends, CNN, ABC News, New York Times, Nightline, TIME, PBS, LA Times, USA Today, Washington Post, Woman’s World, & Howard Stern to name a few.

Learn more about Westwind Communications’ book marketing approach at https://www.WestwindBookMarketing.com or contact Lorenz at [email protected] or 734-667-2090 or fill out the form below. Follow Lorenz on Twitter @aBookPublicist. Want help titling a book? Check out Scott Lorenz’s new award winning, bestselling book: Book Title Generator- A Proven System in Naming Your Book www.BookTitleGenerator.net.

Would you like help promoting your book?

If so, tell us a little about your book. What is the title? Do you have a publisher? What is the publish date? How many pages is your book? What is the cost? Do you have web site? What is your specific goal I.E., to make money, raise awareness, get the attention of an agent or publisher, sell the story to a movie or TV studio or something else?

Submit the form below with this information and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you!

How an Author’s Consultant Can Cinch Your Book Deal

How an Author’s Consultant Can Cinch Your Book Deal

As a book publicist, I am frequently asked to find a literary agent for my author clients. While I know many agents and publishers and work with them, it’s not what I do. But, from time to time, I find someone who can really help out my clients and I’ve found that person. Her name is Debra Englander.

Debra Englander

Debra Englander

Debby has extensive editorial experience including reporting for Money, managing the Fortune Book Club and serving as editorial director at John Wiley for nearly 17 years. She currently works with authors on creating winning book proposals, editing manuscripts and content creation for online and print projects.

Debby’s editorial service is unique. She’ll listen to your book concept and then advise you on next steps. She’ll tell you whether the idea is sound and likely to interest large publishers. If so, she will help you craft the perfect query letter to a literary agent or occasionally, directly to a publisher. Englander, who has ghost written countless successful query letters for clients, stresses that first impressions are everything and that there are a few common mistakes aspiring writers that impact their prospects. “A query letter is an art form in itself,” says Englander.

She adds, “I spend a lot of time talking with authors, agents and editors. I’m really a matchmaker, between authors, agents and publishers. Sometimes, I’ll tell someone to self-publish if the book needs to get to market quickly. On occasion, I will tell someone the book needs more work before it can be submitted. I give practical advice based on many years in the book business. I don’t want authors, especially first-timers, wasting time, money and effort and ending up disappointed.”

As a book marketing specialist who deals daily with the media, I learned a long time ago that a common mistake in crafting media pitch letters is making them too long. We live in the Twitter world of 140 characters or less. This has trained people to be impatient and critical of long winded introductions. The same is true of query letters to an agent. A query letter should be no more than half a page. You have to know exactly what agents want to hear, what they’re looking for. Tell them only that and end the letter right there! Keep it short, keep it sweet and you’ll be one step closer to landing an agent.

Agents are in the business of selling books. They’re not our best friends, they’re not our therapists, and they’re not our life coaches.  The best agents focus on what they do best which is generating enough excitement on a book and sell it for as high a price as possible. When you get paid, they get paid. End of story.

That’s why I like the concept of an “author matchmaker” because he or she can put the best possible spin on your book with an irresistible query letter to get an agent to pay attention. You know how to write – the author coach knows how to sell your book.

Alternatively, if you are a do-it-yourselfer then check out my article “How to Land a Literary Agent” on my blog: www.Book-Publicist.com

The Bottom Line: Why reinvent the wheel? Sign up with a book consultant like Debby Englander by dropping her a note at: [email protected]

How an #Author’s #Consultant Can Cinch Your #Book #Deal Click to tweet this article to your friends and followers! 𝕏

About Book Publicist Scott Lorenz

Book publicist Scott Lorenz is President of Westwind Communications, a public relations and marketing firm that has a special knack for working with authors to help them get all the publicity they deserve and more. Lorenz works with bestselling authors and self-published authors promoting all types of books, whether it’s their first book or their 15th book. He’s handled publicity for books by CEOs, CIA Officers, Navy SEALS, Homemakers, Fitness Gurus, Doctors, Lawyers and Adventurers. His clients have been featured by Good Morning America, FOX & Friends, CNN, ABC News, New York Times, Nightline, TIME, PBS, LA Times, USA Today, Washington Post, Woman’s World, & Howard Stern to name a few.

Learn more about Westwind Communications’ book marketing approach at https://www.WestwindBookMarketing.com or contact Lorenz at [email protected] or 734-667-2090 or fill out the form below. Follow Lorenz on Twitter @aBookPublicist. Want help titling a book? Check out Scott Lorenz’s new award winning, bestselling book: Book Title Generator- A Proven System in Naming Your Book www.BookTitleGenerator.net.

About Debra Englander

Englander served as editorial director at John Wiley Publishing for nearly 17 years and was on the receiving end of thousands of pitches from agents and authors. She currently works with authors on creating winning book proposals and editing manuscripts. https://www.linkedin.com/in/DebraEnglander/

Would you like help promoting your book?

If so, tell us a little about your book. What is the title? Do you have a publisher? What is the publish date? How many pages is your book? What is the cost? Do you have web site? What is your specific goal I.E., to make money, raise awareness, get the attention of an agent or publisher, sell the story to a movie or TV studio or something else?

Submit the form below with this information and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you!

PR Stunts Pay Big Dividends – How TESLA and a Cowboy Author Won Our Hearts

PR Stunts Pay Big Dividends – How TESLA and a Cowboy Author Won Our Hearts

By Scott Lorenz
Westwind Communications

PR Stunts get a bad rap because many are either ill-conceived or poorly executed. But I like them and have been involved in many successful ones.

One recent PR Stunt of note paid huge dividends when Elon Musk sent a TESLA into outer space. The car had an astronaut behind the wheel and the radio played David Bowie’s “Space Oddity” about Major Tom. Who didn’t talk about this fantastic just-for-fun extravagant stunt? It was the best one I’ve seen in years. Funny thing, nobody is really calling it a ‘PR Stunt’ but that’s exactly what it was… a beautifully executed PR Stunt. When you have a perfectly performed stunt that catches people by surprise and makes them smile, you got ‘em. The value of TESLA went up and the photos did the talking.

Cowboy digitally signed his book

Cowboy digitally signed his book

One very creative author I know personally pulled off a PR Stunt that even I was impressed to read about. He rode his horse into “publishing history” by becoming the first author to conduct a book signing and an e-book signing on horseback.

Author Carew Papritz, a working cowboy, rode his horse in front of a Barnes and Noble in Tucson, Arizona and digitally signed his book The Legacy Letters on his iPad in front of a cheering crowd. He made some press and history at the same time. Check out this video at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aKEsxqmzs9g

One of the keys to the success of a good PR Stunt is the mashup of two disassociated things: cars in outer space, horses in book stores and in one I did last year, hot air balloons and violins.

Violin in a Hot Air Balloon

Violin in a Hot Air Balloon

As a book publicist and hot air balloon pilot I take to the skies like some people play golf. It’s my main recreation. One day I met a University of Michigan Music Student, Stuart Carlson, and asked him to join me on a balloon flight and to bring his violin. The result: 42,000+ plus views of two videos on YouTube and Facebook.  Here’s ‘Hail To The Victors’ https://www.facebook.com/HotAirBalloonMichigan/videos/10153980344308667/

How can authors benefit by using this technique? Think about the bigger picture. Don’t just focus on selling books. Think about how you can connect with readers on a personal level. Let your audience know you’re both a person and a writer. By that, I mean let your audience glimpse into your personal life. Share things that are important or interesting to you. You can share details on your website, blog, and social media outlets. Utilize your mentions on Twitter and generate conversations with your followers on a personal level. Respond to comments on your blog or on review pages of your work. By sharing more details about yourself, you’ll provoke commonalities between your fans, ultimately appealing to more people.

If you are a romance writer, share with the audience your love of cooking. If you’re a mystery writer, illustrate your travels abroad and how a visit to a particular city was woven into your book. Connect with your following on whatever level you can.  Your goal should be to reach as many new audience members as possible. To do so, dig deep into your being and ‘open up the kimono’ and show the audience who you really are, pen aside.

The Bottom Line:  PR Stunts Work!! Take a page out of Carew Papritz and TESLA’s book and appeal to your audience on an emotional level; it’ll get them to connect with you on another level and it may get them talking about you too!

#PR Stunts Work!! Take a page out of #CarewPapritz and #TESLA’s book and appeal to your audience on an #emotional level; it’ll get them to connect with you on another level and it may get them talking about you too! #authors #writing Click to tweet this article to your friends and followers! 𝕏

About Book Publicist Scott Lorenz

Book publicist Scott Lorenz is President of Westwind Communications, a public relations and marketing firm that has a special knack for working with authors to help them get all the publicity they deserve and more. Lorenz works with bestselling authors and self-published authors promoting all types of books, whether it’s their first book or their 15th book. He’s handled publicity for books by CEOs, CIA Officers, Navy SEALS, Homemakers, Fitness Gurus, Doctors, Lawyers and Adventurers. His clients have been featured by Good Morning America, FOX & Friends, CNN, ABC News, New York Times, Nightline, TIME, PBS, LA Times, USA Today, Washington Post, Woman’s World, & Howard Stern to name a few.

Learn more about Westwind Communications’ book marketing approach at https://www.WestwindBookMarketing.com or contact Lorenz at [email protected] or 734-667-2090 or fill out the form below. Follow Lorenz on Twitter @aBookPublicist. Want help titling a book? Check out Scott Lorenz’s new award winning, bestselling book: Book Title Generator- A Proven System in Naming Your Book www.BookTitleGenerator.net.

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